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Feeling Really Sad

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paulineward | 01:49 Tue 09th Jan 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
134 Answers
I know this might not be appropriate...and I understand that people might think it not the right place or time..etc..etc..but you all seem to be my friends, and I am ending my awful day talking to you all in sad circumstances. I have a rapport with a lot of you, and may seem 'away' for a after loosing my dear brother last year, got woken up this morning (Monday) to a call telling me of sudden death of my 48 year old younger sister. I regard you all as friends, and as everyone has gone home now, and left me alone...I felt I needed to tell you all. Why I don't know, but I feel we are friends, and if I am worst than I normally am..that is why. Hopefully coming on here will keep a little normality to things for me...hope you don't mind...and hope I've not infringed any rules or standards.
Kind regards to everyone...and thanks for being my friends!...Pauline xxxx


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Dear Pauline
I have just read your posting and offer you my condolences for your very sad loss. I am so glad you felt able to turn to us here on AB and hope these responses have given you some of the comfort you need and deserve at this time. We are surely all here for you. I send my love and prayers.
Dee xxxx
My deepest sympathies, hugs and kisses, from one of your many friends.
Dear Pauline

I would just like to echo all the others' thoughts and posts and say that I am sorry to hear about the death of your sister and that I will be thinking about you - and please do come on whenever you feel you need to 'chat'! It's sad that it takes something like this to show you who your friends are! love and best wishes, Clare
Condolences, Pauline. Daniel
Hello Pauline - so very sorry to hear your sad news; please accept my deepest sympathy. You are a highly valued member of AB and absolutely right to turn to us for comfort - nobody could possibly take offence. Sincerely, ja
Dear Pauline,as a crossword fan,I should be good with words, but at this time its so hard to find the right ones.Can only hope it helps to tell you that you are in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time.
Kind Regards.Jetski
Pauline I have only just come on and read the awful news.
My heart goes out to you and you will see from all the messages how much you are respected by your friends on this site.
I feel,through our exchanges. that I have come to know and I have always admired the way you have handled the adversities of life, and some people just seem to have more than is fair.
I know that when the dreadful numbness starts to fade you will cope with your customary dignity and,where appropriate,with a little humour.
I am thinking of you Pauline
My very best
Hello Pauline,very very sorry to hear your sad news,and I send my deepest and sincerest condolences to you.Of course you must come on and "chat" whenever you want .I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.Big hugs for you.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.Glad you shared your grief with all your friends on AB.
Dear Pauline,
So sorry to hear of your news. You must feel that the world is crumbling around you, and that with your dependent family you have nothing left to give, but your daughters will continue to need your love and care and am sure that they will remember their aunt in a loving way. I'm afraid that it's that old cliche that time will heal all ills, but it's taking that time, however slowly , which will improve matters, and I hope that you take pleasure in the memories that you have that will sustain you through the coming weeks and months.
Take care.
All best wishes ... ulysses
Dear Pauline,
I would like to add my name to the list of those AB friends who share your pain at this time of great loss. The expressions of support for you are each borne from genuine affection for you - and personal experience.

Quoting from "Desiderata" (Max Ehrmann) :
Be gentle with yourself
You are a child of the universe
No less than the trees and the stars
You have a right to be here.

Keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drugery, and broken dreams,
It is still a beautiful world.
Even within the electronic world of AB, your personality comes through and others respond in kind.

Your grief touches us all
Your pain is our pain
Our hope must your hope
My thoughts are with you

Dave (aka crofter)
Dear Pauline, I haven't had a very good start to 2007, but realised it is nothing compared to your sad news. I came across your letter by accident, but now think it wasn't an accident at all, but meant to be. My thoughts are with you and put my problems into context. I hope you can look to the future with hope as you have many many friends as you can tell by the response you have received. God Bless.
Question Author
Just logged for a few moved by all your responses. Thank you so much. I now realise is was more than alright to share this with you all.
With all the serious aspects on this site of solving puzzles, and then the banter, and our diversion with the MM Link game, I feel we all belong to an exclusive and elite group!
I really appreciate being able to come on here for intellectual stimulation, banter and most importantly for the camaraderie. You are all so kind to each other, as I've seen many a time, and the postings to me have moved me. Thank you all....lots of love Pauline x
Remember your sister
Be sad but not for long
Celebrate her devotion and selflessness
Celebrate her zest
Celebrate her joy
Celebrate her smile and her strength
This was the BEAUTY of your sister's life
Love her and let her walk on sunshine

So sorry for you but hope these words may help.
Love Jane xx
Hello Pauline
I am sorry to hear this sad news .My heartfelt sympathies go out to you.
Not much I can add to what the others have said but we are all here for you.Will be in touch soon .
Love Shaney xxx
My thoughts are with you, Its so sad when you lose someone so close to you.My good wishes to you
Hello Pauline,
So sorry to hear of your very sad news, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
You are such a good-humoured and friendly contributor to this site and one would never guess from your lovely demeanour online , the difficulties you have to face on a daily basis.
Wishing you the strength and faith to come through this.
F O O T S T E P S . . . . . . .

One Night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonged to him and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you you'd walk with me all the way, but I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

. . . . . Author unknown
Dear Pauline
Have just logged on to read your posting - I feel so very sad for you and wish to echo all the thoughts and quotes that have been posted so far.
Yes you must cry and yes you must take care of yourself and yes talk to your 'Friends' it will all help even though it may not feel like it yet.
I only found AB late last year and yes I feel, like you, that I have friends and am part of a gang. I know that everyone who has posted will have you in their thoughts.

Be safe with love Peggy (GG)xx
I read this earlier, but couldn't reply then as I was in tears.
My brother died 26 years ago, a week before Christmas when he was 35 and his birthday was 2 days before Christmas. There isn't a day goes by where I don't remember him. I know how you feel. It does get easier,so they say, but reading your post brought back the feelings that I had at the time.
Sorry I can't be as eloquent as the other friends on here, but I do know the hurt you are feeling.
You will get through this awful time and I think that I speak for the others on here that we are honoured that you have shared this with us.

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