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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:59 Sat 25th Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
288 Answers
The club is now open. All members are welcomed back again this week, but are respectfully requested to leave their animals at home. Exceptions may be made in the case of animals that fit into pockets or handbags (like Alfie) but the committee cannot continue arranging for the large amounts to be cleared up. If you wish to bring your animal along, please submit its dimensions in triplicate to the relevant subcommittee. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


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will do we need a new mop tho this ones fair wrung out
Hello all. Sorry I'm late but I've been tied up. Last night's bondage session got a bit out of hand and I only managed to get the handcuffs off an hour ago.

I've brought some cider though. And a rubber thing left over from last night. Don't know what it's for.
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Please do seem always to have a soothing effect on him.
But, this time, could you take his socks off before bedding him, please ?
sox off then bed will remember the order this time !
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You've brought the Band, Jan...marvellous.
Are they a ceilidh Band, or do they play swing ?
Oh I do like a bit of a jig.
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Thank you, mamya, you are a dear, Soon you will be promoted to ancient retainer.
oh jan anothe familar face welcome home, don`t do cider but am sure it will mix with something

now who didnt want pea on their chip?
OOH Bedding him.... OOH Matron !! Still up for it then ,is he ?. Know what I mean ? Nudge Nudge Wink Wink . See you in 2 mins then.
promotion milady i ham honoured will i have to pay yoy more for that?
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I shall ignore that remark, Naomi. After all , I am lady.
Well ladyalex I'm sure I know Slinky so we may be related but it may be we keeping seeing each other in the ladies powder room and we are kindred spirits as we both have similar chants - ohh hurry up - too late another wet floor.

What happened to the rather handsome french man? And where are the chips - Ellie is hungry she's only eaten 9 dozen bananas, 2 bags of donoughnuts - no not doughnuts , no she hates doughnuts if anyone comes in and ask remember ellie HATES doughnuts..

hasssssss anyone lossssst any ssssssss I jussssst found loadssss of them down the back of the ssssssofa when I wasssssss looking for my sssssocksssss
Hey Lady Alex I went to a ceili last night and danced my little socks off. Went to a Breton Fest Noz last week and that were brill. The band gave me a cd of their music for dancing such a lot. ( they didn't say dancing well just dancing a lot)
I think we should have a 60's night tonight so I'll request the first song.
jan my aunt had aprolapse and similar rubber ring ?? what were you up to last night and who with? use protection, I mean did yoy keep yoy sox on??
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Not only does it put your rate of pay up. mamya, but you are duty bound to bow and scrape in a humble manner and, of course, you are devoted to me....and his lordship of course.
The son-and-heir also will be wanting to speak to you privately on his return from his latest jaunt.
Yes Lady Alex we know yoy are a lady ( the name gives it away ) but that Mamya..... well yoy no wot they say about her !!
jan thats lovely and such clean_cut boys as well
naomi dont you go spreading nasty rumours about mamy, its not true, I was with her and there werent that many rugby players

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