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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:59 Sat 25th Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
288 Answers
The club is now open. All members are welcomed back again this week, but are respectfully requested to leave their animals at home. Exceptions may be made in the case of animals that fit into pockets or handbags (like Alfie) but the committee cannot continue arranging for the large amounts to be cleared up. If you wish to bring your animal along, please submit its dimensions in triplicate to the relevant subcommittee. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


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Could someone rub ladyalex down before she is overcome. There's some wet lettuce in the kitchen.
Bagsy me the young one with the cute smile.
Oh my goodness look at those new boys they seem eager to please...

Well Hello boys this way please we have many great fires to extinquish inside....
ladyalex have you seen atsgran? didnt you say we had lost humphrey?
Bl88dy H3LL Atsgran yoy dont get many of them to the pound !!
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New fireboys, new fireboys, 9 9 9
neer mind her bazoomers what about me toenails have i been and gone and missed surgery whilst bopping
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Has she transplanted Humphry' that legal ?

Please me first for the fireman's lift.
Well HELLO boys, oops just tumbled over, could somebody help me back up please
have they got new hoses too


9 9 9
atsgran, boobs look super, you'll have firemen queuing up for them!!
just invented new cocktail "Turntable ladder" dont ask whats in it it will get you high though
Is the spanish fireman here ? the one with twins ? one is called Jose............ and the other hose B
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I think you're going to need ballast of some kind, atsgran..or else you will be doomed to rock back and forth on your front. You could hire yourself out as a see-saw, or as out transatlantic cousins call it , a teeter-totter..except you would be a teeter-t*tter.
9 9 9
Naomi have you been at matrons turntable cocktails, how high can you go
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Need cocktail now
Need cocktail now

jose and Hoseb 9 9 9 over here please.
They all have cute smiles

help help - please smiley fireman our friend atsgran needs urgent attention she's lying down

I never knew that was where you got given the kiss of life - these new fireman are so good
Double turntable ladder over here please.

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Mad over Fifties Club

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