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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 20:02 Sat 12th Sep 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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Do you need the WD40 for your points, slinky ? Are they sticky ?
wasnt shirley thingy one of those originals from Australia sang about her Billabong or something
I'm going to chance it and go to the chip chip - they alwys seem to play that game in there whats it called pass the parcel but the gift is always the same week in week out always chips ..... they have no imagination

Ohh and who has rung 999 there's 3 police cars and a fire engine it time for Elly's bath already?
another tray of mixed drinks here take your pick

a wage increase ooh I couldn`t possibly
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Thanks for the drinks, Mamya...pernod cocktail as usual for me.

Everybody keep quiet and those policemen will soon go...they're the specially old and fatty ones that they send out to us now...they know what happens when they send the young ones here....

I canot remember if Shirley was an original or not.. she certainly had a good zimmer technique
can I have one of those pinky/bluey drinks with an umbrella please
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oh and I nearly forgot, cath, cath CATH ! can I have a bag of chips and a cornichon, please ?
Cath - toenail singular (shudder) - I painted it pink but along with the fungus it's gone a sort of greeny brown. Deep fried seaweed anyone ?
Does anybody happen to have a spare blanket i can borrow to keep me warm? Mrs Foo's bu@@ered off to the bingo with her sister & left me with no Electric, & no Central heating on So i'm sat with a candle & 2 matches writing this thread trying to keep warm LOL
alex you mean my jellybean ones yes of course

old fat police send em away i never called are all the blackout blinds ok they may be wardens
liver poo will lend you my candlewick dressing gown and a brandy to warm you up
put those candles out, dont you know theres a war on
Do you need a coin for the meter or is it a power cut?
Melons could always knit you some undergarments liverpoolfoo if that would help ?
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Why don't you snuggle in here with us, liverpoolfoo...I'm sure you will be cosy in a jiffy.
Perhaps melons will come back soon with her knitting and run you up something to keep you warm.

I think you may be right about the wardens, Mamya. Everybody check that we are not showing any lights.
You know how officious these ARP chappies are.
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Which matches ?
the wd40 cocktails are good,only half a point with all the works,can i have a cherry,straw and an umbrella
there doesnt seem to be a raffle tonight but I have ticket number purple, have I won anything?
mamya thanks for the kind offer but more of a bailey's or pernod person ha ha, Just remembered i'm sure i have an old oil stained, paint covered, donkey jacket somewhere in the shed. Will nip off to have a look lol
Billabong is that like billycan? We can give to Mr Liverpoolfoo who has no gas - poor dear he must have gas lights to need candles as I'm guessing his computer is run by electricity

The boys in the chip shop are looking in the store room for your cornichonplease - so far they can't locate one not to worry I'm having a little sleep while they search....

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