I went to the palace once, I think Tommy Trinder was top of the bill that night but it was a long time ago and i cant remember what I did yesterday(or today)
Milady - his lordship would like someone to play twister with him in the garden as he wants to show off his toenail - he is however at this stage only wearing his toga - any takers ?
well I hope he is mindful of elly and Hump you know how they like to swing their croquet bats about......think we shoudl get some of those fat fireman from the front to play - we wanted to get rid of them didn't we....
Do NOT play twister with lordalex. He is unbeatable And we will need the services of the paramedics. Oncehe gets down, there's no geting himup again.
You have all been warned,
just ignore him and he will go looking for pheasants to insult.
Well, I'm afraid the cocktails have taken their toll on me.....at least I know when I've had enough, unlike some members.
So I shall collect lordalex and take him off to the four-poster.
Good night all, thanks for all the laughs (and the chips and the wally )
See you all next week.
Goodnight m,lady I will make sure Mamyalynne is safe in her tent before I lock the main gate, just a couple of pernods to finish off and I will be on my way