I think you should hve a lie down Mamyalynne dont forget you are on night duty at the home for fallen women tonight. Dont want to turn up there under the ifule. iflunr...drunk do you
I thi k it would still count as a pilgrimage, though liverfoo...they're travelling there, they're praying, they could come back richer for the experience....
. Wouldn't want to see those blue flashing lights in my mirrors lol
Liverpoolfoo - just close your eyes when you're driving its what me and mammy do cos it can be scary ont he road especially when you're driving a fire engine oe a bus.....
No no elly is an elly and humprehey is a humprehey - oh no you mean they might be eaten ? Oh no where is lord alex m'lady with his 12 bore shot gun when you need him?
Of course you can become a member, Pyrrho and I'm sure there will be a space for you on one of our sub-committees, if not the actual committee.
We have never actually discussed subs before, but I'm sure that Mamya can put you straight on wages etc.