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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 20:02 Sat 12th Sep 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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get the tonic wine away from petal...I know only too well the effect it had on lordalex. Trust me, we don't want petal running amok on it too.
medic who he?I is matron of all I survey
petal running that an angram? I think I need help
Elixir for Pru will make a new woman of you
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I don't think she's quite 'right' Matron...perhaps you have something that she could take, or be given ?

diashe...dizzy..valium maybe ?
I meant anagram!!!
/hello All

Drink ahoy - I'm in a state of mindless mind ful - oh just give me a large one of those things....

Mr & Master Crazy have the man flu and been in bed all day then I come her ean dsee his lordship trying to shot Elly and Humprehey with a gun and some wench shouting snap then not you at some long thing with big teeth and a ring of sausages

Matron matreon
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That would be PLATE, alexanderd
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Oh dear, the sick list is growing tonight.
So sorry to hear of you and crazyman's manflu, cath....have you recovered a bit? (I know that crazy man could not possibly lift his head for at least another 24-48 hours, it's his flu after all.)
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Sorry, cath, mis-read your post, didn't realise that you had two of them with Y chromosomes poor soul. Have a rest here until you feel a little better. Expect you will have another few days of fetching and carrying before they decide that the footie is on or something, so they are beter.
don`t panic its only a cold will bottle some of my magic potion up

whal emeats nearly cooked milady
Ladyalex I must insist you get someone to restrain his lordship - he just pulled me into the bushes and forced me to paint his toenail. Anybody got any WD40 I'm feeling the vapours coming on .
the medic is now on a medical emergancy,so all back in your safe hands matron,anyone tea and toasted crumpets
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Matron, matron....we need the straightjacket for his lordship again.
Any pickled eggs, herrings, cabbage or onions about, I'm starving
master Crazy is only 4 - he's too young for medication - I need the medication for me......

Ohh shall we play musical recliners or musical zimmer frames????? I can hear the music and it's tra la la

pericat what colour are his lordships toe nails - only he's wearing abright orange skirt on his hat and we don't want it clashing.......
did no one eat before they came theres rationing to consider you know

don`t fret milady have hislud trussed up in the potting shed till the effects of the tonic wine wear off
who wanted a wd40 sling cocktail?
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I always favour musical zimmers..reminds me of Shirley Abicaire...anyone else remember her ?
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I knew I could rely on you, Mamya.

If you keep this up, I'll have to increase your wages again.
dont want to use all my weight watchers points so i'll just stick to the drink,they did say drink plenty of fluids

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