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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 20:02 Sat 12th Sep 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
212 Answers
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We don't seem to have any raffle prizes tonight...keep the ticket and you can win next week.
i used to have a pet cornichon was a lil tropical fish afore I got my Alfie of course

pernod for liverpoo
friuyt garnishe and umbero;;y for katy
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somebody told me it was a posh word for a wally.......I think it might have been my old nanny.......
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Mamya..have yo been mixing your drinks again ?
no Ladyalex I think she has been drinking her mix
i have two pkts.parma violets for the raffle and some stems,the heads fell of the flowers when i slapped hoorey henry in the garden
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Hand the violets over to alexanderd, she's the only one with tickets this week...thanks for bringing them, slinky.

Can we all have some mix, please, Mamya ?
I ish holay coley maam not fretty just a tad heevvy on the prop por perp errr measuring
mamya just remembered i'd better not partake in a pernod or two i've got to do my taxi driving impression after & pick Mrs Foo up. Wouldn't want to see those blue flashing lights in my mirrors lol
micks here too wahay
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SOmebody start brewing the coffee, please. Matron's had a tad too much tonight.
I shall rescue you foo and who ish farmer violet
OOh parma violets, havent had them in years, where is cath with the chips? did we give her the right map for the chipshop?
What time does the bar close ?
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I think you are doing the right thing, liverpoolfoo....but if the bobbies do turn up, just mention our name and they usually turn very pale and run away.....with their lights at a peep.
has they gone mecca like a sort of pilgrimage
Those men in the chip shop...... I'm sure they are on nigth release from the home for the bewildered....

First they said they were battering the fish and proceeded to hit it with a bat.... then they couldn't find the cornichon in their store room and they kept shouting there is a war on there is a war on.

They've asked for the paper back which they've wrapped the chips in then they said nextr week they are having a speciality battered camel and the week after battered elephant - where do they think they are goign to get them from......
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Hello pyrrho

Have we been formally introduced ?
Are you mad and/or over fifty ?
pyrrho me ol mate its 24/8 here whats yer tipple (have we been introduced)

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