Perhaps we should try to get the animals back into the conservatory again. Any volunteers, or shall we just lay a trail of treats ?
I do hope Alfie is safe. He's such a cutie.
Have the rugby players gone now, or are they still hacking ?
I chose it all by myself Lady. I'm named after a woman in our office whose hair is always greasy & minging & the hairdo is shaped like - guess what -a helmet!
Are there any of those gravy pasties left from last time? They were yummy and I have just sucked the last bits out my scarf - I could do with a refill?
Well did you all miss me? After downing that triple whiskey Ladyalex served me, I fell asleep in the vestibule on Lordalex's favourite leather armchair.
Off for a cig, will round the animals up, not sure about his lordship, he didn't take kindly last time I tried to lassoo him, does he always walk round with a rifle and a hip flask?
I missed you, society, but I saw you nailing someone's part to the wall somewhere I thought you were probably best left where you were to enjoy yourself.
I saw that too milady, do you think we have been having joint hallucinations here tonight?, there is lots of popping in and out and fixing mirrors elsewhere in the hall! Shall we draw the raffle, do you know where mamyalynne keeps the tickets?
Oh no...someone's let him at the gun cabinet again.
Can we summon up a group and go and try to get lordalex back in before he does someone a mischief.
thanks for the warning Miss Meg. I'd be careful lighting your ciggy, gives him something to sight on.
Perhaps he's shut mamyalynne in the orangery again, or perhaps he;s doing some activities with the Kiwis. This is getting out of hand tonight, should we summon PC Politic?