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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 21:04 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
129 Answers
The club is now open.

Tailcocks and nibbles will doubtless be forthcoming in due course.

Tonight's talk will be given by Madame Esmeralda. Her subject is 'To be announced'. Well, that's what she told me when I booked her some time ago.

The puddles in the green bathroom are proving surprisingly persistant. Will whoever is doing this please desist. Or we may have to mount guard...


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Alfie is not going in any cage, he`s happy in my portmanteau!!

Evenin Meg a camera would be good as long as it didn`t catch me in my winceyettes first thing in morn.

I have too much tupperware as it is
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Hello are a life-saver as always.
Strawberry and vodka jellies, just the job!

Can I sell anyone some raffle tickets ?
i do know how you feel m'lady,hence the probs with the washing,like a chinese laundry here
oh yes I forgot the raffle have got some nasal hair clippers and last weeks radio times
Yes petal I go understand

Alex voddi jellies what a treat
jellies yum yum,i'll have some raffles as long as i dont get my paper back,i've read it.
I hope the stingy remark wasn't directed at me. Think of the havock his Lordship would have caused without the company of dear Uncle Joe. I have brought some incontinence pants for the raffle, as it is always fixed please ensure the culprit wins them.
Evening Alexandred.
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Thank you for the support, petal...I think.

You really should take a break from all that washing,petal, or get 'im indoors to spring for a washing machine.

I don't think it will be Tupperware tonight from Madame Esmeralda. She certainly didn't discuss plastic boxes with me when I booked her. Perhaps there a re two Madame Esmeraldas ?
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If the cap fits, Miss Meg......
Miss meg I do hope you are not inferring I never go above the ground upper floor due to my claustrophobia
i'm for an early night,off to a charity choc eating fest in the morning
is madame esmerelda from blackpool beach,i think it was her that told me i'd join a posh club,do you think this might be true
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Good night, petal, but before you go I think you owe it to us all to say where the choc-eating fest is.
We have to know this and may have to pursue you to find out.

I'm not sure where Madame Esmeralda comes form, Kate, but this is certainly a posh club. After all we have tailcocks and everything.
this is a very inclusive club is it not?am away now
night Petal enjoy the chocs

Katy they don`t come posher than us!!
lady alex who is the recent female gold medalist at qatar(7.5) -e-s-c/==n-s
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Jessica Ennis
I just answered this for somebody else...
Yes, yes alright. At least the silly old fool is off my hands. Can't cope after all that walking last week and my home was raided, all too much for me.
you are so smart my lady,always helping out your betters
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Has the war started again?

Will we need gas masks?
Will there be rationing ?
Start stocking up Mamya

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Mad over fifties club

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