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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 21:04 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
129 Answers
The club is now open.

Tailcocks and nibbles will doubtless be forthcoming in due course.

Tonight's talk will be given by Madame Esmeralda. Her subject is 'To be announced'. Well, that's what she told me when I booked her some time ago.

The puddles in the green bathroom are proving surprisingly persistant. Will whoever is doing this please desist. Or we may have to mount guard...


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Good night askyourgran, perhaps you're not from the bewildered lot, they stay a lot longer!! and cause havoc. Pleased to hear her ladyship has detected a problem of the plumbing kind, one hopes resources will stretch to repairs being done.
Thinks... I'm sure it is Saturday, I should have looked in at the MOFC, but hey me! I was engrossed with watching the rugby. Mental note... must do better next week. I wonder if any other club members will know that I forgot in the excitement?
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Good night, askyourgran. Hope to see you back again soon.

I have been away tending to lordalex...he's gone to bed now thank goodness, but perhaps you'll take him up his hot drink later, Mamya.

Anyway, I was waylaid by Madame Esmeralda on the way back....she has a message for us all......
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Hello boxtops.
Do you want to know what Madame Esmeralda's message is ?
Hiya boxtops

OOOh yes milady what messages does she have for us.....
I do
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Well, she said we must all be very vigilant.
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and watchful.

because there may be some elderly people who will try to take us over......

Are we not always? Whaty did HMRC have to say about your wages policy?
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she said that there would be some very official people with files and attache cases who would want to look at our library........


we should all buy raffle tickets number green this week......
What do you mean someone might open an over 60`s club !! shock horror would anyone admit to that?
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I'm just the conduit, Mamya, I'm just telling you what she told me.....

and she also said that ...and this is quite shocking.......

I can hardly tell you all this....
You have taken religion as well how amazing, wil that make you more generous errr forgiving errr ...

What was the rest ???
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she said that there would only be blue tailcocks in future !

Can you believe that ?

My ghast has been flabbered I can tell you .
Goodf grief, my heart goes out to you. Hope your still about next week. Once HMRC get their claws in .
well I can make them all blue it is has to be, is it a ritual thing with this conduit religious sect?? does the old dolly blue cause tummy trouble tho??
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If I tell lordalex about HMRC he'll see them off.....that's why I encouraged him to go to bed early...I'm hoping they'll go away themselves.
Alternatively, I could divert them in Mamya's direction, by telling them about her win onthe horses...

oh, did I say that out loud ?
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Dolly blue...takes you back...
Have I missed anything? someone mentioned the war so I popped home and donned my old RAF uniform and then built some shelters in the garden
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And don't you look handsome, alexanderd.
I do like a man in unicorn

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Mad over fifties club

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