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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 21:04 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
129 Answers
The club is now open.

Tailcocks and nibbles will doubtless be forthcoming in due course.

Tonight's talk will be given by Madame Esmeralda. Her subject is 'To be announced'. Well, that's what she told me when I booked her some time ago.

The puddles in the green bathroom are proving surprisingly persistant. Will whoever is doing this please desist. Or we may have to mount guard...


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thankyou Ladyalex I do my best to appear smart at all times,although I wish I could have found my black shoes, theses flip-flops dont really match
I will pop a bit of brandy in his luds nightcap and he won`t remmeber a thing, did someone bring a unicorn wow! we shouldopen as an attraction, not many zoos have those.
Just popped back to bring the gasmask back, looked stupid in Asda, does anyone know where I can get a donkey stone for my front step,
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Well, if you think it would bring in some cash , Mamya.....

I suppose we have quite a menagiry..mennnag..menage a tro..(oops, spilling the beans tonight)...collection of exotic animals.

I'm sure no one noticed your flop flips until you drew attention to them, alexanderd . Have you been doing gymnastics for a long time ?

The donkey could be part of the menage too, once we find it, askyourgran
askyourgran pop down the stables I am sure one of the horses passed a stone this morning will that do?
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A stone !

A hundredweight, more like .

Did you hear about when Ellie did a ton on the M1 ?

Police advised drivers to treat it as a roundabout.
Boom boom !
The old ones are the best Ladyalex, I think so anyway as I am one of the old ones
I have a dozen donkey stones in the pantry but tend only to use cardinal red nowadays I`m at the big house
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me too .

Well, off to bed now.
Night all and thanks for all the laughs.

See you all next week!
Thanks Alex not sure if it has the same effect, Got cornered in the stable sort of a menage a trois, me the horse and an old guy with wet pants. I'm off home now.
Night night LadyA sleep tight
So now we have a menagerie in the stables I think you are right Mamyalynne we should open a zoo and charge people to come in
Night Milady all beds are turned down and hope Uncle Joe is quieter now I got those nasal strips. Willl wait for latecomers and leave key in usual place.

Has everyone gone home? should I turn the lights off,? no better not I am afraid of the dark. Why am I talking to myself?
Its okay Alex I`m still here (have no choice- live in don`t ya know) time for a nightcap and a chat?
Coo-ee Coo-ee it's very quiet and dark in here. Oh Nobody is left !! They are all gorne !! Ah back next week. Sorry I am late, took me ages to wriggle out of my new jacket...the sleeves got all tangled behind my back.
Love a night_cap Mamy and a chat would be nice just get my slippers on and I will be with you
I am in chatterbank having a glass of whine now :o(
alex and naomi always welcome here you kmow that
Next week then mamya. Oie Vie.

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Mad over fifties club

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