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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 21:04 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
129 Answers
The club is now open.

Tailcocks and nibbles will doubtless be forthcoming in due course.

Tonight's talk will be given by Madame Esmeralda. Her subject is 'To be announced'. Well, that's what she told me when I booked her some time ago.

The puddles in the green bathroom are proving surprisingly persistant. Will whoever is doing this please desist. Or we may have to mount guard...


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You can keep it, alexanderd.
It gets out of hand so quickly I was glad to get rid of it.

Miss Meg, you put the gas mask round your head, not your head round the gas mask....
Madame Esmeralda and HMRC have arrived, they are doing a joint act. Appealing for volunteers to go in a box and be sawn in half.
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Can we volunteer Uncle Joe ?

Or are there any of the bewildered lot here tonight ?
Get Uncle Joe to do it he.s widdled on the floor in the bathroom and used my spare Tena to mop it up
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I KNEW it .
Miss Meg, the rates have gone up.
get lord alex to do it,it will make him feel worthwhile
Oh not my Ludship we have got so close, what if it goes wrong, tiger balm won`t help that!!
I feel I'm being ganged up on. And I think askyour gran is a plant from the bewildered lot. I'm sulking in the stables. Do not try to get round me with a tailcock.
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I would never allow lordalex to be sawn in half.
He is my Prince, my Knight in Shining armour, the Light of my Life and his pension is pretty good.
Ooops, did I say that out loud with the HMRC men here ?
I mean he has a very modest pension that we eke out with Mamya's salary as best we can.
If you put the gasmask on the right way round Miss M you would see that it isn;t me thats the plant. Has anyone got a spare tena
well i am going now as i seem to go home more bewildered than when i arrived
spare tenas are here and will get the mop again!

MM you doth protest too much

Milady dare I mention my £3 bingo win to HMRC
Goodnite Kate.
Next I'll get blamed for the piddling.
Night katy

are you feeling got at meg lets nip out for a smoke
Ladyalex I have been asked to send you regards from Fordward.
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Good night, Kate. Lovely to see you again.

I'm not blaming anyone for the puddles now...I've discovered a leaky tap upstairs, so we'll call a plumber on Monday.
No need for anyone to feel got at now.
Have a tailcock everyone and pass the jellies round.
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Thank you Mamyalynne. Please send the regards back to Fordward, I haven't seen him for ages.
Smoke needed Mamya. Could you briong a tipple as well? I'll meet you in the orchard.
no problem atipple and a ciggie under the apple trees what bliss
Ooops nodded off then, Did someone go home, think I'd better make tracks too. goodnight.

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Mad over fifties club

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