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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 21:04 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
129 Answers
The club is now open.

Tailcocks and nibbles will doubtless be forthcoming in due course.

Tonight's talk will be given by Madame Esmeralda. Her subject is 'To be announced'. Well, that's what she told me when I booked her some time ago.

The puddles in the green bathroom are proving surprisingly persistant. Will whoever is doing this please desist. Or we may have to mount guard...


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Kate, as any fule no, I have no betters...ask anyone here.
Have you paid your subscription, by the way ?
i thought pensioners got in free,whats the world coming to
Here are the tin hats and I`ve unlocked the air raid shelter, will brew some beef tea that will keep us warm in case of attack.
Question Author
All's fair in love and war, Kate. We'll let you into the shelter even though you haven't paid.
Thank you so much Mamya, we can always rely on you .
Is it time for your salary increase yet ?

(Members may have noted a somewhat pecuniary tone tonight, I have to confess that we did have a letter from HMRC earlier in the week and are feeling the pinch.)
Did you join HMRC's website? It's done my head in. And the freephone number is no such number!! And they are only just opening the post from last August.
Question Author
Do they have a web-site ?
Does it work ?
No. I have invited them here to night. Maybe we can get some sense into them. (Don't tell his Lordship)
Yes to website.
Oh NOOO I cannot afford another salary increase, just nipped out for a smoke, that dragons handy as I forgot my lighter.

Picked some mushrooms on way back in as we will need planty supplies if we are to be under attack.

Dig for victory etc..
Who cares. Mention of them sends chills down my spine and confuses me. Tailcock needed.
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How will we know whether it is Madame Esmeralda or someone from the HNRC website ?
Good evening, can I join you, I've forgotton to bring my gas mask,
We might get some sense out of Madame.
I'm off to try thr dragon.
Hello askyourgran. Spare gas masks are under the stairs.
Question Author
Welcome, askyourgran.
You seem to fufill our qualifications for membership.
Youv'e forgotten something and you want to join...perfick!

I'm sure Mamyalynne will be able to rustle up a gas mask for you, now would you like a tailcock or perhaps one of alexanderd's strawberry and vodka jellies ?
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Are you acting for the defence or the prosecution , Miss meg ?
Hello askyourgran heres your tin hat and a tailcock, do make yourself comfy.
Just had a tadpoles tit sandwich for tea, but I wouldn;t mind a vodka jelly,
Good god, has it gone to court. Still getting my head round this gas mask business.
Where is naomi, she's very quiet after last week.
just popped home to get some tins of corned beef and found a spare whangee, I think Ladyalex dropped it somewhere
Don`t panic MM I will be your avocado in court and give an honest character witness statement

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Mad over fifties club

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