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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 21st Aug 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
238 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Well, after weeks of stravaiging and gallivanting, it is wonderful to be back in the bosom of the Club.

Examination of the Minutes of the meetings held in my absence suggest that all has gone well , with the possible exception of a few cases missing from the cellar, but we will draw a veil over that.

There will be the usual raffle tonight and I have donated

A National Truss Tea Towel, hardly used at all.

Half a tin of toffees (only a few teethmarks showing)

and a Buff Puff Body Rub (completely new, but rather elderly).

Further prizes will be welcome.


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although Ladyalex said a speech was not necessary as I have been working on it all week I would just like to say thankyou for last weeks award. Thankyou to Matron for supplying sustenace while I toiled away, thankyou to Ladyalex for allowing me to pay to be in her employment, thankyou to my parents without whom none of this would be possible.(Alex leaves room tears trickling down face)
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Thunderous applause

More thunderous applause.

Even more thunderous applause.


What a moving speech. (Sobs into hankie)
Sniff, Sob a little dribble too, Alex how very moving.♥
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Sob Sob Sob
Sobbing uncontrollably now.
Not a dry seat in the house.
Matron I didnt mean to make you dribble there is a bucket in the corner
I'll get me mop
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Wailing now

OOh not only are we damp, we are also sticky, yay!!! Thanks ED♥
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Thanks Ed

Honoured again!

That's stopped the wailing!
oh dear what have I done better get my waterwings, there there Ladyalex I didnt mean to upset you
Ed must be impressed tonight but it has been a bit extramad
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I'll say....stretched to the limit tonight.
Yes but approval is good so we need another drinky, Hic!

Wheres Ena gorn?
YAY alexanderd, it must have been your speech, MOFC HAS A STICKY - I'll go get the bunting!
when's the raffle? I need to be abed soon - I'm watercress harvesting at dawn!
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oops, senior moment. Forgot about the raffle.
I'll pull it now.

Tonight's winning numbers are.......Green
Drinks all round employee of the week and then a sticky I think I will do the lottery anyone care to donate
Ive got green can I have the hooter it will go well on the unicycle
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And the winning colours are:

and, of course, 34

Hurrah! I've got the clothes rope!
I demand a recount - I'm colour blind!

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