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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 21st Aug 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
238 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Well, after weeks of stravaiging and gallivanting, it is wonderful to be back in the bosom of the Club.

Examination of the Minutes of the meetings held in my absence suggest that all has gone well , with the possible exception of a few cases missing from the cellar, but we will draw a veil over that.

There will be the usual raffle tonight and I have donated

A National Truss Tea Towel, hardly used at all.

Half a tin of toffees (only a few teethmarks showing)

and a Buff Puff Body Rub (completely new, but rather elderly).

Further prizes will be welcome.


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Can I have the hooter, can I can I can I please please please
as long as it's not a vuvuzuela alexander
I never win, sulk and shuffle
Question Author
Was there a hooter ?
If you want it, I'm sure you can have it, alexanderd, but not many folk ride their unicycle accompanied by an owl.

Borrheid......sorry, no recounts.
What did you want anyway ?
The oxo cube would do nicely for the "jus" tomorrow -left overs will be donated to the raffle next week.
Do stop boo hooing! This is worse than Alice in Wonderland - we don't want a moat indoors! And think of the possibilities for crocodiles....
And I went swimming yesterday which is enough for 24 hours!
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OK Borrheid, you can have the Oxos

Flicrat, it'sOK we've all stopped sobbing now (it was Alexanderd's fault anyway , he made that touching speech)
But we've stopped crying because of the STICKY!
mamyalynne I dont think the paying staff are aloud to enter I just tell lies!!
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Of course the staff can enter the raffles, alexanderd. Winning is another matter entirely.
Good night you shower - am off to the proper one now. Enjoyed the party thanks. Sleep tight - well most of you are already,aren't you?! I can't think what goes into those tailcocks...
night night all = it's been a blast! ooops that was the peas in the flan! Watercress calls in the morning! Same time next week ?
night flicrat sleep tight, well we all will at this rate
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Good night Flicrat and Borrheid, see you both again next week.
Night Borrheid yes as regular as clockwork
Goodnight to the leavers hope you have enjoyed your visit Borrheid yes we will be here same time same place
Sorry about that, I just went outside and came over a little funny - did you know there is a dwarf in the garden milady? Why is Alex overcome, the floor is a bit slipperyyyyyyyyyooooooooooooooooo. Hecky thump that hurt
Sleep tight I am tight already, your tailcocks get stronger every week Matron
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I hope the dwarf isn't a spy from next's been a bit quiet over there tonight...and a bit noisy over here.....

Matron...get teh Tiger Balm for Ena
Now what is the phrase Mamyalynne ? ... "Not if I see you first," Only joking. With my cataract I'm lucky to see anyone,first or last!When I did focus, nice to see new faces coming in.See ya all soon!

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