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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:58 Sat 04th Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
281 Answers
The Club is now open.

What a delightful week we have had, climaxing in a glorious day at the local fruit and flower show where lordalex's onions failed to impress the judges yet again, but his leek was highly commended.

My own efforts in the home baking classes also got the thumbs down, but perhaps, as the judge commented, raisin and anchovy scones are something of an acquired taste.

My contributions to tonight's raffle are:

6 parsnips
3 carrots
and half a ball of gardening twine

As I am having trouble with the site tonight, I will post this slightly early.


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Are those stays a raffle prize ?
It's just we could do with them for the bannister rail in the back lower lesser staircase. They'd be just the job to keep them upright.....
used nappies work a treat on windows
Evening all. Now I've finally shaken my cold, I can donate a couple of things for the raffle:

1/2 bottle of cough medicine
Whole packet of smelly steam stick your head in a bowl tablets (packet unopened as the sell by date was 31-7-2006, so probably not as strong as they were)
3 green peppers off the plant in the garden (OK - they're gnarly)
1 bottle of green alcohol, no idea what flavour - no label
That will be the ammonia
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Nappies are always welcome here in case of 'accident'.

Glad to hear that you're in different hands, petal......don't know the phase of the moon tonight, but will consult my calendar
Course its not a good idea to stay around very long without the full protective gear anne lest we be visited by thoise from t'other side. Rowan - nice shoes ;o) ;o)
Hi petal, boxy, matron and malady. dozey - is that how you recovered the algae with the knitted wotsit?
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Is someone moaning, Mamya ?
yay lardy, welcome.
my beloved is away malady sniff sniff
sorry, was me moaning, have just opened an old ulcer on my shin, might keep the nappies to staunch the flow of blood
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I'm so sorry to hear that you are bereft, ttfn.......and when you are in recovery too.
Will the Dearly Beloved be away long ?
are we due any 'lectures' soon or wood worm classes,or have I had a Bobby Ewing moment
Dunno malady - he has gone to a Eurythmics Island
Your beloved ttfn? Is that Alexanderd (the short wearing man?)
Sorry Eurasion Island, I am very bereft
Eurovasion Island? somewhere abroad anyway
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I have been trying to attract guest speakers for us, petal, but I think we may have been entered on to a 'black list' of some kind.
Cannot think why.
So, any suggestions are welcome.
Does anyone have any special talents they would care to share ? The fees are very reasonable.
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Your beloved is inthe Eurovision song contest ?
Is it that time again?
Does Terry Wogan know ?...
Well he would have worn his kilt tonight lardy - with respect to the Tattoo - not telling where mine is though. And if you don't mind he is a gentleman
ttfn,I hope you get a nice gift from yer beloved,having left all alone
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Please wisper when you mention kilt, ttfn...don't you remember the trouble we had last time kilts were talked of ?

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