Good evening and welcome to all who grace our portals tonight.
As some of you will know, there have been issues with the garden spigot, so all water for the animals will have to be hand pumped. The Committee has placed a sheet on the notice board where volunteers can sing up.
All of the raffle prizes were won last week, so any contributions from now on will be welcome.
It has been brought to the attention of The Committee that the moat is becoming a little odoriferous. Members are respectfully reminded not to contribute to this.
We are also looking for some speakers. If any Member feels that they have an interest , please let someone know.
there was a young lady from tring
with an incredibly long piece of string
she knotted one end
then went round the bend to play with her ding-a-ling(oops is that allowed?)
Bye Petals, see you next week.
Look out for the flying bombs
Miss Meg, come come now, you know very well who Uncle Joe is and he doesn't have anything to do with mint balls. Get your cheque book out pronto. His fees have built up, you know.
I am going to bid you all farewerll and goodnight, head is pounding, throat is like a razor blade and nose is running like LadyA,s spiggott!
Have a good night and please dont talk about me when Im gone. I will check the minutes in the morning if I am spared
Goodnight all
Good night alexanderd. Hope you feel better soon. Try a wee toddy before you go to bed. If it doesn't cure the cold, at least it makes you feel a bit better.
A Moat cleaner with a bad back?
Bring him hither for I have the knack.
Will massage and caress,
In my best Matron's dress...
Any pain that he had he will lack!
Steve5 I have rarely if ever read a poem which has moved me so much.
Have you considered applying to be Poet Laureate when the position next comes up ?
well it must be someone in here that smells,someone is letting off quiet smelly ones,cant you smell it,i wonder if its uncle joe,you had better pay your fees so he can get cleaned up.