Save Hotel Rica more like, Neti - Drottninggatan (Queen Street) where one of the explosions took place is a cross-street to your old address Kungsgatan (King's Street). The late news says he blew himself up so I guess he must have been the hotel manager>>>>> Evening gang, and quick, hand me some of that Estonian liqueur jno. I had a look for it but we don't sell it here so I may have to take a trip on the Finland ferry just to get a bottle. Sounds delish.
Okay I'll level with yous: I'm honestly going insane. People who don't know me have probably always assumed that I already am, more or less, but that has not been my view of myself and I don't have any psychiatric history whatsoever, but I feel I'll be getting one soon. I won't go into the details as it's dragging me down, I'll just say we're going from bad to worse and they're now planning to poison us (see, said I was mad) with some machine that's needed, because of the cold, to harden the concrete. This machine will emit exhaust fumes like you had a truck on your window sill and make a helluva lot of noise for a month, and because of the plastic the fumes will be hanging around, trapped. This will go on for a month, night and day. After that's done, they will paint the facade, still under the wrapping. And, when googling for how long it takes to harden concrete, I found that demolition of concrete (which they finished a while back) can be a severe health hazard, and that has raised my anxiety level about a million degrees. The man at the firm had assured me it was harmless. As I've told yous before, I have one window and one ventilation... erm... thingy, and they both face the wrapped scaffolding i.e. the building site as it were, and so of course I have had to let air in now-and-Fluffing-then. (Which he had said would be all right.) More breathing concerns is the last thing I need, I have that already although I haven't mentioned it on here as I'm the John Wayne kind of biddy and I