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julia walsh
What are the three main ingredients of pesto - and can you make it yourself?
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For the first time I've got a fruit growing on my passion flower plant in the garden! Will it be edible and at what stage should it be harvested?
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Are Rhubarb leaves poisonous?
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M Ballentine
Where can I find a list of product which have Omega 3 oil in them?
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did carrots used to be purple?
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How or why are oranges and the like in segments and could you eat them if they weren't?
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What is in it?
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Does anybody like Lime Pickle? I have never met anybody who likes lime pickle, I've even heard it described as ear wax with a kick!
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What foods are good to eat to keep you full but with low fat/sugar/calories etc...
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are lemons bad for you
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Please can anyone tell me if they've heard of the urban legend (or fact...) that if you place a piece of liver 8 inches from a glass of milk, overnight the liver will edge towards the milk. I need to...
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What meal or food would the Answerbankers have if it was to be their last?
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What is the significance of 'kosher' food?
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Could anyone let me know how to make lasagne? As I am a bit of a novice in the kitchen, any information given should include the basics! Thanks for your help.
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Isaac Toussi
What is in a Shirley Temple?
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What's the difference between jelly and jam?
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Holidays are here and i now have to get some summer work ..... but i get so bored of the lunches i end up taking ... any suggestions anyone? It could be sandwich fillings, different salads, pasta...
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What makes a good hot chocolate?
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Which foods tackle high cholesterol?
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what is the drink horchata de chufu made from

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