If someone claiming to be a child posts on AB that they are being physically abused, can AB then contact local law authorities to investigate? And if someone posts that they are planning to commit a...
Further to my Q last week following the latest interest rate rise, I understand there is possibly going to be a further rise in February. Now I am in the fortunate position that my monthly mortgage...
It's been done many times, it keeps happening, if the ed allows a child to register on here, then they should be given some sort or identification, and the ed should validate their email by asking a...
I have two pit bull lab mixed puppies.....and I asked a question on here early....about potty traning.And every one that posted a anwser told me that I was crazy to get two puppies that have Pit Bull...
Eskimos lmao.... she asked why do we never see a boatload of 'em coming 'ere? why aren't they icicles? Cos' they're Eskimos Jade!!! or Inuit... but I guess tht would confuse her even more.... Anyone...
I really was'nt sure where to post this. Following on from the "Asperger" topic. My son, now 21 has never had a social/care worker even though he was assessed at the age of 5. He attended 3 special...
I have been given 10 Diazepam pills by my Doc today for anxiety and panicky stuff but don't worry it's not a regular dosage thing so I don't plan to get hooked. Firstly I am getting panicky over going...
Hi, I am looking to get a Beagle Puppy, and would like to know if any of you have any experience with this breed. I have been used to larger dogs (German Shepherd's & Rottweilers) but I am looking...
Can anybody tells me what the exact problem is when their partners sleep around. I am playing devils advocate here and have never cheated (except when I was a teenager) and to my knowledge never been...
Does anyone else believe in them.....can they REALLY give an accurate prediction of how you are going to feel or are they a self-fulfilling prophecy? I can't make up my mind....and they always say...
I am looking to get a little dog and am not sure what breed will suit me, I lost my little dog 14yrs old last year.I was going to get mini dashoud but that is out so is Jackrussell I carnt have...
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to ask how to make the seperate layers of drink in cocktails. It always looks so pretty and everytime I try it just mixes together :-( Thanks in advance
(I was unsure where to post this) When travelling abroad and in an area at risk of being bitten by a wild animal i know amoungst many jabs i will need a rabies vaccination and heard its cheaper to go...
If you swallowed a raw clove of garlic, would your breath smell if there was no masticating. I realise the odour may manifest from the stomach, but if swallowed whole would it have time to smell?