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i was wondering how you guys cope with jehovah witnesses visiting your homes..its get some in month december...thats what mullein calls it..i have had a letter asking them not to call sent and yet the...
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I have just had my credit card number used online and had almost ?500 spent on it on various sites.  Has this happened to anyone else? if so whats your card number, expiry date and last 3 digits...
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Hi, I need to know the details for the ski trip in January. I know the trip is full but my mate would like to come along anyway. He'll probably try and get in our hotel, if not, get one near by.So...
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I was just wondering, when i'm on my period i generally dont bleed during the night or when i'm asleep. It tends to stop at about 9 or 10 in the evening and then start when i wake up, does anyone else...
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I use Frizz Ease serum on my hair almost every day (after washing). Can hair be damaged by using it that often, due to all the chemicals it has in it? Thanks!
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Ive just been told by my doctor that ive got dermatitus plus an infection on the skin underneath my eyes.  It really looks awful as the skin is really red and swollen.  Thing is i have to go...
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I sometimes get little thin dark coloured lines appearing on a finger nail - in the same direction as the nail grows. What are they?
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I just bleached my belly and feel so much better for it thanx's everyone, I was wondering why it sayis on the packet not to bleach breast nipples?? is it because its sensitive?? could u bleach slight...
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Why is it that its dead easy to score if you have a girlfriend, but alot harder if you're single?
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Who on TV or radio, really gets on your whatsits?
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Or are we just a physical being?
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When i was still really young, and I first started friends and I would always go to the bathroom(just incase if we had to spit any of the bevrage out!) And now I still go to the bathroom...
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When do you know that you really have depression?  Everyone feels low at some points of their life however at the moment I feel unable to raise my spirit for anything due to pressures at work and...
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I have been given the opotunity to move in to a brand new flat with a friend, who i have recently met up with again after a year we get on like a house on fire but she is very messy compared to me....
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Every year I have the same problem, I never know what to tell anyone what I want for Christmas!! I have no probs finding pressies for everyone else. It's more that I don't know what to tell my...
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 Whats your favourite perfume for winter
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Can anybody who has had their bikini line waxed please tell me what is involved. Thanks.
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Can anyone recommend a good concealer, to help hide dark undereye circles, I have tried so many but they do not help much.
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help, it has been six months since I quit smoking,and I cannot shake the weight gain, I exercise, eat healthy, but the pounds continue to pack on, anyone have the same experience, or any advice??
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hey, in general I have really clear skin, but every once in a while i get these horrible spots which just..lurk under the skin for a few weeks going all red and being quite sensitive, hurts when i...

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