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Does anyone know of any software that I could install on my computer so that I can lock my files so only I could open them with a password. Me and him cant have user accounts or else he starts...
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Me and My brother share an account and we cant have 2 seperate accounts cause our dad wont let us. Is there any software that we can lock/hide our files so that the other cant get onto them. Im...
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does anybody know where i can get hold of any spyware for msn messenger or some kind of keylogger FOR FREE so i can keep tabs on my kids! tried Kazaa but dont really know the names of any programs.
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Has anybody of you used keylogger? Any result? Did you found out what you wanted to?
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does anyone have any tips on how to find an installed keylogger on a machine? What signs should I look for(i.e text files etc). The keylogger will have been installed by someone with access to...
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Is Golden Eye software the best for checking PC usage and monitoring entries? Any drawbacks in using it? Are there any other comparable bits of software? Thank you
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Is there a free piece of software i could use via the main computer what web pages are being viewed on a laptop thats connected wirelessly to a network
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Does anyone know of a network monitoring program for Windows XP, that keeps track of my shared files over a LAN/ which file that is currently opened by another computer etc? I remember Win98 had an...
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stevie m
can anyone tell me if its possible to password protect individual files or folders and just how exactly do you do it. I'm running xp
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Hi All How do I put a password onto a specific folder on Excel 2007? I am sure it was simple enough when I had an older version of Excel but can not seem to do it or find how to do it on this one!!!...
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Is it possible to password protect a Folder in XP.
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I just purchased a Crucial 512mb USB Flash Drive 2.0 Gizmo. Is it possible for me to set a password on the flash drive so that the content of the memory stick can not be viewed or accessed without...
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is there a program out there that allows me to put a password on my usb key, or a password on a disk , so no one can access these items without the password ( ie- cannot access or see the files...

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