i have a 'native' clematis, planted about a year ago. it has spread nicely but has not a single flower - wondering if i have a 'male' plant.. or should i restrict the roots, or give it another year,...
My son has bought nits home from school and I just can't get rid of them - I've tried all the chemist nit treatments and combing for several weeks but they just won't go away. My daughters hair is...
How is your degree working out for you? I have a marketing degree and haven't been able to get into the field at all. I worked one place in sales, who dangled the Marketing carrot in front of me for...
So, this new government leaflet that's going to tell us what to do when the terrorists strike... Is this just Protect and Survive (the 80s nuclear leaflet, full of advice such as painting your windows...
I am extremely paranoid and jealous with my boyfriend. I've tried hypnotherapy and had some counselling to find out why but nothing so far has worked. I feell like i'm going crazy when i see someone...
Why does my cat go literally nuts when i scratch the fur patch between the base of her spine and her tail? She makes a really weird "ack-ack" like sound and pulls a weird face. Sometime she bites and...
was interested in your views on next election over here - and didn't want to be deeply annoying and sabotage other post - so who would you like to see win? Gordon brown? lib dems? i ask in the spirit...
Is there a god? I mean look at all the different relgions around the world who all believe that THEY are right & the others are wrong. They can't all be right can they. Which is why in my opion it all...
What is your favourite toast? Mine is currently 'hey ho for revelry and loud indecent cheer'. Please don't bother with bread based humour. I have sat here and considered it for a while and am...