Im a bloke and i find it really hard to find a shampoo that suits me. I have medium length wavy hair and if I wash it with average stuff it becomes too dry and if I leave it, it gets greasy. What...
PC is just going crazy now. I just found that if you want to buy the script for 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves', all the bits referring to dwarfs have been erased and changed to gnomes. There was...
Theres some kind of extinct animal from Australie. I think it was called a thylasine and it may be a tasmanian tiger(if there is such a thing). I am not sure but its drivin' me crazy.
There was a film that was all about dragons and had something to do with Scotland. It was about kid who grew up with a dragon. It wasnt dragon heart. Can someone help?
The desktop on my computer has been playing up and wont let me add a background(wallpapers) for more than a few minutes. I have tried changing the resolution size on the screen and changing the 'color...