Is it just me or is Billy Piper pretty ugly? Whenever I say this people always seem to be shocked and say that she's amazingly pretty, I just don't get it. Surely her teeth are far too big and those...
a bloke walked into a cake shop and asked for a lemon meringue only to be told they didnt have any.he then asked for a vanilla slice only to be told the same he then asked for a cream cake but again...
We all know what the fastest cake in the world is ("Scone!"), but my colleague heard a joke about the slowest cake in the world, but can't remember what it is! Any ideas?
i'm sure i'm not alone in thinking that you let far too many people have far too many 'alais's' i realise you not supposed to 'know' who your talking to , but when people have 3, 4 or more 'different'...
Richard Madeley is furious that his daughter was mugged for her mobile, and rightly so, he said quote"Its totally unacceptable. It makes me so angry to think my little girl was attacked like that"...
Help...... please. I really like my daughter's teacher (he has told the class that he doesn't live with his kids - so obviously not with their mum). But, obviously he could have a new partner. He's a...
Did anyone watch Top Gear last night? where Jeremy Clarkeson and Co. made up 3 stretch limos by cutting standard cars in half and then welding a piece in the centre. They then drove these vehicles...
The 8 year old boy whose been in all the papers becasue he weighs 14 stone, was asked in an interview what his favouse musical instument is at school. His aswer was "The dinner bell" 9608f81424f1263a.html so whats the general feeling on this one, she doesnt seem to be helping herself, comfort eats, snacks, loves take aways....
A woman who sent a series of explicit text messages to a 13 year old boy has been spared from going to jail, partly because programmes for sex offenders are aimed solely at men....