Have just heard a 73 year old put in prison for not baying ?53? backlog of Council Tax. Thank god. Another hardened criminal behind bars. What a laughing stock this country must appear to the rest of...
I would like, if possible to download this song. The rendition I am after was recorded pre 1950 (thats when I accidentally broke the old 78 record my father had) It has been recorded many times by...
Few months ago I planted an avacado stone (just out of curiosity) in a flower pot with standard compost. Much to my surprise it grew and is now approx. 12" high, a slim stem but large leaves. Does...
Can someone please tell me who this Vanessa Phelps is or who she think she is? The only time I have seen her on the box she is criticizing someone or other. Is that all she does, or does she have any...
Have been invited to a wedding in southern Ireland. It's my wifes niece who doesnt normaly bother with us. She lives in London and getting married to an Aussie. Nice bloke. Her dad has pots and she is...
I understand that my children will have to pay inheritance tax on my house if I die within 7 years of leaving it to them. Does this tax work on a sliding scale. Say if I died in six years time, would...
Just finished watching last night at the proms as I have for the last few years. Still a tear in the eye and a bit of national pride when Rule Britania was sung especially when it involved cities of...
I have only recently found your site. It is excellent, I have posted a few questions and supplied a few answers which I hope were of some help to the subscribers. I have today posted a question re...
For many years I have used, in my opinion. the best camera ever. A Canon. Trying to keep up with the times I recently bought a Canon Camcorder. However, during playback the motor noise is so...
Sorry folks who go for film & Tv. I still fall asleep during programmes. I always thought the older you get the less sleep you need. I am getting older and sleeping more. Is this usual. Or is it...
After having a full head of hair for the past 59 years it is suddenly thinning and being replaced by superffluous hair in my nasal passages and ears. Even my barber cut my eyebrows for the first time...
As a 60 year old semi retired civil servant, my son recently introduced me to 24. I have now watched series one to four. Although intending to watch it "now and then" once started i found it very...
Reading the questions re film and tv, an amazing amount of you fall asleep half way through a film and programme you really wanted to see. I thought it was only me who did that. Do your wives moan at...
Hi, Want to buy a Tomtom, dont want to pay out for the one that covers all of Europe. Is there one that one covers England and Southern Ireland, main roads only will do in Southern Ireland? Would...