Is AB a place where one goes to get objective answers to specific questions or is AB a place where one goes to get judged and lectured about his/her behavior that is assumed based on the question?
How many answerbankers Take days of sick when then not ill.Im self-employed so its makes no odds to me.what excuses do you use?have you got any funny ones,and did your Boss believe you.Come on now...
Is it true that guys will see you as "just a friend" or "one of the guys" if you share an interest considered masculine i.e. chronic football (soccer) obsession? PLEASE TELL ME...
There are many weary and well-trodden euphamisms for this but do you know of a more obscure one, maybe only used by one person you know? For example, my grandmother would go to "shed a tear for...
I have slight crushes on Simon Cowell and Richard Maidley ( foreign bankers will know who Simon is and you dont want to know who Richard is). I know its wrong to feel like this. What...
I'm looking for a word that means or connotes bringing together disparate things to make a harmonious whole. I'm gathering a group of artsy cratsy folks to do collage and mosaic, both of which attempt...
How do wild animals know what food is poisonous and what isn't? I first thought about this regarding birds and how they know which berries are poisonous. Any ideas? Thanks :o)
Every owner of an alsation I ever meet calls their dog a 'German Shepherd'. They were always Alsations in my day. Has the name changed for some reason, or are the owners just being snobbish?
I have different coloured eyes (which i'm told is supposed to be quite lucky) it's not often that i think about it, only when someone says to me "oh, do you know you've got different coloured eyes?"...
I have several friends who are all funny,smart,fabulous company and look gorgeous.We go out on a fairly regular basis to different bars but none of us ever get approached by men.We have now...
Are there any English men playing professional American football in the states? Are the Americans playing professional soccer in England (Keller, Friedal, etc) well known in their own country?...