Why don't they invent a newsprint that does not come off on your bottom. Does anyone remember the Daily Sketch precursor of The Sun? Dreadful newspaper, turned your bum completely grey. The Sun a...
I am glad I found this web site. I get to ask Questions I always wondered about and there is always someone who knows the answer (except for the Sponge Bob question). Is everyone who browses this site...
can a parakeet get over heated i live in fl and it is verry hot if it does get over heated how hot does it have to be and how long should i keep my bird outside
I once had a boss who said this all the time. I've heard "now we're cooking," and "now we're cooking with gas," but he would say "now we're cooking in tall cotton." Did he make this up?
How do I stop or slow down my dog from maulting excessively? It maults all year round, is not exposed to central heating etc. He is a 1 year old short haired Jack Russell terrier cross.
My friends 7yr old Grandson asked him "what is the meaning of life"? How do you explain this to a 7yr old? He could't as he didn't know the answer himself. Any ideas please....Spinner..