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Does anyone know James Herriot's real name? Also,what was the name of the actual village that 'Darrowby' was based on.Finally,is he dead? If so,when? Cheers!
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I have quite dark hair, nearly black and I've been debating weather to put blonde highlights in. What do people think of them and what are the chances of me making myself look like a complete div -...
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Prize at the moment must go to that pizza one where the old Italian guy is looking for a new nephew. Makes me cringe. Does anyone think it's funny? How could so much thought and money go into making...
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A 12 y.o., often in our care, came to us for advice about his diet, constantly sick with the nickname ET, he wanted to gain weight and muscle. We often witnessed the reprimands from his mother when he...
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have wooden floorboards. Rcently someone has moved in who waers shoes on them all the time. My boyfriend thinks I shouldn't say anything, even though it drives us mad, it is so loud. What do you...
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I have a sweet potato in my fridge. Any ideas for what to do with it? Keep it clean folks!!
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he may be going on holiday with a ex girlfriend who dumped him for someone else. She is not interested in him in a romantic way but they have remained friends. He was REALLY into her, and I don't...
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What herbs best suit being gown on a windowsill ? And where should I snip them when I am using them for cooking so they will continue gowing?
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There seems to be a lot of anger about this week. Earlier it Jade who was ripped apart & now it's Jonathan Woss, & in the music dept. kags' request for nasty songs is doing very well! A friend made a...
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get irritated at the AB users who seem not to want to answer questions? We keep getting rants on 'why do we get questions from lazy students/ children/ teenagers'...what do these people think the site...
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like a complete and utter cretin and have now realised that it falls half in my PMT week and half in my period week. So The first few days I will be in a suicidal pit of despair and for the remainder...
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Does anyone else find him a shallow, irritaing, sycophantic moron on his current talk show? I don't get it, he was so funny and full of promise on The Last Resort in the eighties. Why is he SO...
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Who is she? (I don't watch much television and pay no attention to celebrity news).

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