Following on from dilf's post earlier (well done btw!). I live with my folks still, my mum smokes, my dad quit years ago. I've never really complained about my mum smoking before but the other day I...
I've recently been in a 2 year relationship with someone. It ended on Friday night when he emailed me simply to say 'I don't love you any more'. This was totally out of the blue because the previous...
Our dog (3 year old collie, male, neutered) has started to randomly bite people for no reason. He bit someone he knows very well yesterday after she had been in the house an hour, while she was just...
Hi all, is it easy to get in to modeling? I don't mean becoming a supermodel, catwalk, everybody loves me kinda model, just the occasional catalogue type thing. So that I can make a bit of extra money...
My niece is soon to be 7 and I haven't a clue what to get her. My brother is worse than useless at coming up with ideas. She likes creative things like making stuff if that's any help. Any ideas?
China has recently implemented a maximum of 1 dog per household which follows on from the successful 1 child per household policy. The growing numbers of dogs there means more control of rabies and...
I am using the pill for my acne, but it is a form of contraceptive aswel and I do use it for that too. I finished the last pack on Monday, but haven't started my next period yet (it's Friday). Is this...
I've just found a rather comatose bumble bee in the garden which has probably been caught out by the cold spell. I've put it in a sheltered spot close to a blob of honey in case it needs sustenance,...
I'd be interested to know what positive images you have of your future retirement. Where would you like to be, what would you like to be doing, is there an object that symbolises retirement for you?
Hi guys, in Nov or Dec next year I plan on going travelling on my own for the first time (I'm 20 at the mo), prepare for alot of travel questions from me in future! Basically, I'm scared to death! I...
Do you have little things that bug you? I just went to the shop for milk and a couple of things. Only had a ?20 note. Why do the assistants put your notes in your hand and then coins on top? They...
Hi guys, over the past couple of hours I've come over quite ill and I have no idea what could have caused it. I was fine this morning but now I feel really dizzy and keep getting dots before my eyes...
Since corporal punishment in schools was outlawed, it seems to me that the authorised violence of the cane, has been replaced by the unauthorised violence on a grand scale, of bullying, and as...
at night my two cats are left in kitchen but in the night they scratch the door i have tried all the brand things that keep cats away they dont work any ideas