I did a silly thing just before christmas and put the wrong fuel in my car, didn't realise it had happened and drove quite a long way before the car started to struggle and ground to a halt - too...
the worst thing we did when we redesigned our kitchen, was to put those black shiny worktops in. they never look clean!!when you wipe them they just leave smear marks. never again!!
What can i get my son for christmas, please help, i have got him lots of bits and pices like dvds, play station games, sweets, etc but haven't got him a main present yet - he already has a tv, dvd...
For some reason and i am not aware of doing anything to make it happen, half the documents i have saved in My Documents and the various other folders in Office have had the titles turn blue - ie when...
HELP ! I have no idea what to buy my mum this year. Money is tight so only have about ?50 to spend on her. She is 60, on a diet (so can't get her clothes as they won't fit in a few months), she has...
I came across this site thanks to a posting by daffy654 on 11 nov 07. What a brill idea, I go on the site at least once a day. I am posting it again hoping to keep it in the limelight and would ask...
I have a legitimate 20 pounds voucher to spend on Virgin Wines online: www.virginwines.com It needs to be used for a minimum spend of 59.88 GBP so I was thinking of buying a mixed case to give as a...
my nephew appplied to halifax at the beginning of the year to reclaim bank charges having previoulsy succesfully claimed them from else where but he had a letter back from halifax saying they were...
On the above programme last night was a recipe for a dish with lamb, potatoes, lots or garlic, 2 types of cheese and tomatoes and parsley - think these were the only ingredeints, it was a bit...
What are peoples views of murals? I am looking at getting an ancient map of Europe in tea staned beige to fill an enire wall (about 14 feet long x 10 feet high). There are three options available: 1)...
All the answers are names of sweets or chocolate - Past or Present! 2. Sssssssshhhhhh! (5) - 5. There's a mutiny here! (6) - 7. Fruity Face (6,4) - 10. Oxford or Bond maybe? (7,6) - 11. Terry Wogan...
Is there any law on how much a landlord can increase a tenants rent and if so what is the correct procedure for themdoing so please? Can they just send a letter saying its gone up by 10% because thats...
I am owed money by a tenant who has lived in my property in england for the past year, normally i would pursue this through the money claim online website but they are moving to scotlad this weekend...
Anybody got a nice simple recipe for lemon drizzle cake please that the kids can easily do (its half term so lots of baking at our house)!! Thanks in advance