Hi is it normal to feel very worried, scared about the prospect of becoming pregnant, and at the same time excited ? Am hoping to try for a baby with my partner next year....also worried Im too...
i have one child and would give anything for another! my other half wants no more and won't even discuss it, do you think it's wrong to accidentally forget to take a contraception pill!
How do I break it to my 4 year old daughter that her guinea pig has died? Sorry if this sounds silly. Weve been out all day and arrived home and the poor mite was dead in her cage. My daughter only...
cant believe she had 2 bottles of wine 10 joints and was watching a kid. no wonder she let the dog in. ffs if the grans are doped up theres no hope for us all.
A friend of mine is 7/8 weeks pregnant but is suffering bleeding. It started as spotting but now become more like a period. She went for a scan yesterday but they couldnt really see anything and...
Help its doing my head in. I have 3 children all boys my eldest being 11. My son and boyfriend constantly argue. My son has become quite arrogant at times, like if he is asked to do something, he is...
I have gone from orange broadband, moved house and now have virgin cable. BUT its a modem and its not wireless. Could i run a cable from modem to wireless box and use it as a router ???? Any ideas.
I came off the pill last month in order to start trying for a baby. I am now considered to be 5 days late. I have tender breasts, bloating and the need to urinate more often which are I believe are...
Hello All I'm going to the Docs at 3:30 regardless but I just wanted some advice as last night, when we were making love, I felt a period type pain in my stomach, I told him and we stopped and then it...
NEED ADVICE FROM A CONCERNED GIRLFRIEND.b/friend Sam was trying to take promo badge off his shirt (that I had put on)in a club&a bouncer told him to put his shirt back on,sam told the bouncer that he...
Hi folks, wonder if anyone can help?. This year i have been suffering with nothing but coughs and colds even though i exercise and do all the right things etc. I think my immune system is weak and i...
i got my striaghtneres a yr and a half ago form a hairdressers in west sussex and they now don't work and they told me they cant do any thing is there any where i can send them to be repaired
I live with my Partner who has two small Children. At the moment due to the youngest schooling for just half a day, my partner cannot find work. I am paying all the bills/food etc for the family. Can...