I'm trying to find a village, community or area in Northern Ireland called "The Diamonds Forth". I think the spelling of "Forth" is correct although it might be "Fourth". The only other clue I have is...
MrsO sends her love and thanks you for the good wishes which have been passed on to her..... She has been through the wars and recovery is a little slow but....she is joking....annoying the staff and...
The population of this country is 60 million of which 20 million are retired, that leaves 40 million to do the work. There are 25 million at school that leaves 15 million to do the work. There are 6...
Last year I made a complaint about a wrong doing in hospital and my complaint was dismissed. I was told there is no way the wrong doing could ever happen. In January this year it happened again and I...
Unsure where to post this but ill try here 1st. what are these called? the little bags of stuff u find in packages to help keep things dry...usually you get a few at a time....in things like shoe...
We are looking at maybe going to France in the summer holidays, to a Eurocamp or the like. Having never been to France, other than a day trip to Calais, we have no idea which area to look at? Once off...
how many wheels left on the bandwagon....Zzzzzzz...
Kens wife called him into the Kitchen one morning and demanded that he made love to her immediately. After insisting on exactly 2 minutes of foreplay they made love right there on the Kitchen floor....
Are any on you folk been fitted with Economy heaters, (not Economy 7 ones) If so could you post your tariff prices. ie, Daily standing charge Day/Normal Rate per unit Night/ Low Rate unit It will be...