We don't have a Military topic, but I think this would be relevant on most here. http://forums.orange.co.uk/n/pfx/forum.aspx?ts n=1&nav=messages&webtag=fs_commsseniors&tid=14 723 I would ask, if your...
There are some of you that don't think Israel should exist, and some that do, thats fair, we all have differnt viewpoints. I'd like to know your views on the following. Israel came into existance...
This is truly shocking, I don't know what they're playing at. This is American, but you can bet your life our boys and girls get up to the same hi jinks. http://www.hopetohealing.com/veterans/vsubmit/...
I am passing this on to you because it definitely worked for me and we all could use more calm in our lives. By following the simple advice I heard on a Medical TV show, I have finally found inner...
Whenever you read the papers, the Romanians are always scroungers and thieves, while the Poles are Honest and hard working. Thats the impression I get, in your view, would that be correct?.
Hi everyone, My wife Mother-in-Law passed away yesterday, my problem now, is that us being Jewish, my wife will be sitting Shiva at he sisters, so I will be looking after our daughter, (she is 23) by...
I've put this also in B&S, just asking those of you that haven't bought one yet, please, please do so, doesn't cost much at all. http://www.poppy.org/ Thanks.
This is just a shortie, to ask you please, if you haven't already, go out and buy a Poppy, just a few pence will suffice. http://www.poppy.org/ Thanks.
We engaged a local firm to put a Conservatory on the back of our Bungalow. Start date 13th August, end date 7th September. Unfortunately, in our naivety, we signed the contract, which says they cannot...
There are various post argueing for theb legalisation of Drugs, some for the legalising all drugs. I am in a 'Safety critical job, where even a smidgen of the weakest drugs found in my bloodstream...
I haven't put this up as a question, just a possible debating point. For myself, I couldn't be more pleased. http://newsbox.msn.co.uk/article.aspx?as=adima...
I was most impressed listeneng to it, have a read, or just the key quotes, I'd be interested to read your thoughts on it. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml =/news/2007/10/03/ncam503.xml
My good lady and myself, were enjoying a well earnrd cuppa in our local shopping centre, when three Policemen, (real, not Bunketts Bobbies) came along, all three had their jacketd ondone, one had his...
I need to find out excatly what the duties are of a Social Worker for adult mentally handicapped people, been trying but can't get the info I need. Would anyone on here know, or have a link please?....
Yesterday, I parked at our local B&Q, in the car next to mine, twin babies were in child seats in the back, no adult to be seen. I did think about phoning the police, instead, I kept a watch, fifteen...
We are having some building work done, and the toilet overflow has to be moved, One of the workerd has suggested turning it into the Soil Vent Pipe. I'm not too well up on building regulations, but I...