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doctor spock
I have no religious beliefs whatsoever but I am curious to know from people that believe in god, where they think he came from.
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how many christians will be celebrating the pagan festival of easter this weekend while looking down their noses at the rest of us heathens?
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Is it possible for someone who's divorced and remarried ever to go to heaven? If they divorced the new spouse and lived a life of celebacy from then on, would they be considered, or are they a...
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This morning on Radio 4's Today programme there was a discussion prompted by the complaint by some bishop that the crucifixion/resurrection scenario made no sense. He called it 'lunatic'. The...
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Mani Hussain
Most of the none-christians are obviously going to scoff at the idea of the end times but for the believers what are your views? Never before has the world seen the accumulation of events that we have...
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AB Asks
Carry On catchphrase "Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me!" has been voted as the funniest movie gag ever in a poll carried out by Sky Movies Comedy. Other classics included: "He's not the...
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Will Pope John Paul ii be reverered as a prophet? Will any Cardinals or any of Britains/Irelands Church leaders be tomorrows prophets? Are they Wowing us all with their deep knowledge??? Has any one...
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Hi, could anyone tell me about Jesuit's? I have looked on their website, and it basicaly seems like an ideal most people would want, i know do, but with the god bit thrown in (sorry dont mean that...
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Is this where you took your AB name from, Mani?
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Enoch Powell dies and knocks on heavens door. "knock, knock" "Who' der man" says the voice. "oh, forget it" says Enoch.
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Where's the compassion in Christianity? There seems to be a distinct lack of it around here. Most Christians who contribute to R&S appear to be full of doom and gloom, totally wrapped up in themselves...
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in order to give christians a break.Probably the first time that Iv'e agreed with him.Personaly, I find Islam more abohrent than christianity as it is still living in the dark ages. Islam honours a...
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When i was 11 years old,my 5 year old nephew was killed,he was run over and suffered massive injuries and his machine had to be switched off,at the time i didnt really understand death,i was just a...
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As one who has not been 'washed in the blood of the lamb', could someone explain just how my time will be spent in the afterlife ? As I've not been particularly bad will my experiences be equivalent...
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Since apologising seems to be the order of the day,will the christians apologise for burning all those Old Women as Witches,please?
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If God made the universe, when i look up at the sky at night and see a million stars, are they more of Gods unfinished projects?
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Theland, done as you asked and started reading Genesis, now Cain kills Abel, God marks cane with a mark that tells anyone not to kill him or suffer God's fury. Seeing Cane is only the forth person on...
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Abortion is obviously a very emotive, sensitive and difficult subject. I want to hear peoples views on abortion, it can be from your religious point of view or just from your moral point of view. Is...
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Has anyone seen the reports of a 32 year old man from London who now lives in India and whom Hindus in Gujarat regard as a reincarnation of the goddess Bahucharaji, the patron of Indian eunuchs? He...
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I was wondering why does that girl who has been kidnapped in Iran needs to use the scarf to cover her head if she is not a muslim? I found this a complete lack of respect for other people's choice of...

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