Hi We are thinkin about turfing our garden as the current grass is not very good and it is very bumpy and hard to mow as a result. i have seen in the local paper an ad for rotivating, levelling and...
Can someone tell me how to stop killing my house plants. I don't really know what any of them are called. I think I have a ficus, cordyline and a lilly plant plus some others that I have no idea what...
I know morning sickness often only lasts for the first trimester - but does it get worse during that time? Or does it tend to stay about the same? I'm just about coping at work at the...
As a young boy I always had a runny nose. SO when I went to bed I always held on to a hankie. Now I am 45 I still hold on to a hankie in bed if I don't I find it difficult to settle. ...
Hello! I'm Canadian and I don't mean to sound completely ignorant or anything, but I just had a couple questions for anyone that might be able to answer them. 1) 10 Downing Street - This is the...
How much would you spend on an engagement ring? Carat weight? Somebody said a months salary? Does it has to be diamonds? Somebody ask me this recently, what are your views? Thanks
Unlike the basic life equipment, the immediate life support equipment <FONT color=#ff6666>was to be found</FONT> mainly on wards.
does this make sense?
Can anyone answer a question which my husband and I have been arguing about for years. The query is how to overtake correctly on the motorway. His thoery is that you put your indicator on and then sit...
I have heard from a couple of different people that if you were born after March 1989 you have to wait until you are 18 before you can learn how to drive. Can anyone tell me if this is true or give me...
6 years ago i bought my parents house with the right to buy, they agreed that when they died that the house would be willed to me. However even though i paid all conveyancing and substantial rent...
I'm applying for a new job and on the application form it says "Please enclose, on a separate sheet and in your own style, your reasons for applying for this position". Does "own style" mean...
If you have been given something of a substantial value by an aqauntance (not a friend), no payment is being given and it is yours for life, to do with what you wish would it be a good idea for both...
Have a smallish kitchen which is decked out really nice - all tiled...when I (attempt to) cook can sometimes get a bit steamy (even with window open and fan) and I was wondering if anybody has any...
Could anyone recommend a good bed? There are so many in the shops and you dont like to lay on them all , its too embarrassing, and anyway you have to lay on it all night before you discover if it is...