I Have a Dell Inspieron i5 with windows 10 installed, it takes ages to log on to the internet, I keep getting page cannot be found messages, after half a dozen times trying it will finally connect,...
Hi when I try to download anything or update apps from Google play store I get error message (RPC:S-3),when trying to update Samsung factory apps the error message is (RPC:S-7: AEC-0),can anyone help,...
Trying to install windows 8 Pro to my laptop, i have followed all instructions but it will not install, laptop was checked by shop before i bought disc, anybody have any tips?, running windows 7 at...
Hi, i ordered a pair of sunglasses from SmartBuyGlasses.co.uk, they could not provied the order and have promised a refund (still waiting), has anybody delt with this company ? are they ok or...
i have an icon in the top left hand corner of my samsung galaxy ace GTS5830, it is a padlock with a down pointing arrow, what does it mean? how do you remove it?, also in my text message contact box...
Have just purchased a Kindle e book reader, can anyone recomend sites to download e books from other than Amazon, are they any sites that let you download books for free?
Hi can anyone help, have a large Japanese acer(mapel leaf red) some of the leaves have a silvery residue on the top, and have found what looks like black fly under some of the leaves, please can...
the age my wife can recieve her state pension has been increased from 60 to 62 and a half,she has 30 years contributions, she has heard that if she is a child minder (she is, unpaid looking after the...
Can anyone recomend a book to help me navigate around windows 7 / office 7, have used books by Angelar Bassent (learning to pass ECDL and Clait) when using 2000 and XP, her books had exorcises and...
have downloaded a film using vuze, then i sent this film to itunes (using vuze) to play on my ipod touch, the film is in itunes and plays, but i cannot sync to my i pod touch, tried drag/drop but...
Have 2 Cordyline australis in my garden that have flowered, great big bushy flower,and is producing seeds. what do you do with this flower? do you remove it? os will it fall off by its self?,