After last weeks colourful and interesting diversion (think my times tables are in much better fettle now!), thought I would start this weeks thread off, if I may. This certainly looks like an...
Maybe all our prominent members are resting after last week's exertions, so I'll kick off this week's thread. Haven't had more than a glance at it yet and am not too familiar with this setter.
Still no link, of course. But another that relies heavily on cold solving. And a lovely nod for the Classicists amongst us in the use of "boustrophedon". I suspect more such will...
Even though the weekly link for the listener has been taken away, I thought I would create a thread anyway. Llig gave us a fairly straightforward puzzle last year concerning Ralph Vaughan Williams,...
Look's like the new Listener website has closed the back door to obtaining the crossword. Perhaps we'll have to buy the paper instead. I can think of one of our "friends" who will be happy!!
3d S-n-o-n-a Drink associated with a Victorian tramp? Looks like I have gone wrong somewhere. Doubtful about 16a "Baccarat camel" but don't know types of camel. Any suggestions?
Last one! 1A "Society girl, a current collector (5) S*A*E. I can only think of SKATE (S+KATE) but where does the "current collector" come in unless it refers to the fish? s_and_entertainment/games_and_puzzles/article5 561552.ece Phew - I thought this might have got lost in the Times upgrade
Just in case any Listener fans are watching this website, here is a link to tomorrow's Times article: s_and_entertainment/books/article4786591.ece (I...