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Has anyone kept a dog that has suffered from the above disease, if so is it curable or is there any medication available?
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How do you teach a dog to catch. Mine lets everything hit the deck first even treats. I spent a good while trying. Coordination wise she has just started picking up stationary objects on the run. Is...
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I just got my hamster and brought her home and now she has scratched her fur off. I think she may have mite. What can I do to help her?
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Does anyone know how to sit a gallop bareback? I can't find it on the internet anywhere.
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Is normal for a dog to poo on a walk. My shih-tzu goes anything up to four times on a 25 min walk. Her toilet is quite loose. She hasn't had a change of food. My other shih-tzu eats exactly the same...
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I know that dogs (and cats) are intelligent animals compared to other animals (but not all other animals). However is it fair to say that the Labrador is the most stupid or spaced out breed? Or do...
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My girlfiend has a rabbit which we keep outside. She says that we should bring it in now it is colder. What do you think? It's been fine so far, plenty of hay and it's cleanout out every other day.
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wolf63 _id=46&pf_id=3995&temail=smse01259@blueyonder. tell me that nobody on answerbank has bought one of these for their furry fiend.
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I think my Yorkie may be pregnant.. I noticed that she was in heat on Jan 15th... But I wouldnt have noticed had I not have been grooming her and noticed that her vulva was swollen because she kept...
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i have a 10 week old male jack just wondering how old i can start studding him out?
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Does anyone know if there are any kind of painkillers available which would be suitable for cats without prescription? About 18 months ago my cat Elvis (now 4 yrs old) came home limping we took him to...
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What is the current opinion on spaying before the first season and when is this going to be. The last dog I had was done after the first and before the second, but it wasn't a nice experience for her...
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Following on from a debate with lankeela does anyone have an unbiased opinion based on experience rather than emotion on the use of shocking dog collars? My personal experiences are very positive...
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the american doggy sites talk about satin balls to build up skinny dogs and give them a shiny coat. the recipes have meat and eggs but also talk about molasses and gelatin and total cereal. does...
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i have a 13 week old staffy cross (with alsation i think). my trouble with him is that when he messes in the night he baarks and howls and jumps up the door. i clean it up and then he is fine. I asked...
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Anyone got any ideas about the best way to do it.? My cats are still kittens and have never seen a dog up close before but they've been chased indoors by one before. I'm not sure,but I think they'll...
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Hi, I am looking to get a Beagle Puppy, and would like to know if any of you have any experience with this breed. I have been used to larger dogs (German Shepherd's & Rottweilers) but I am looking...
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HELP!!!! I need help in training my puppy to pee and poo do i do it?? She is 15 weeks old and she has peed outside only 3 times but she wont do anything else. She is paper trained and...
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Hi, I will be getting a puppy soon and the breeder has recommended that I buy a cage/crate. I just don't know if I agree with this..? She says to use it for them during the day, for them to sleep in...
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Hello, we have a cat called Amber she is 18 months old and we aquired her from somebody else whos daughter was going to uni and could no longer care for her, she has been spayed,but no kittens, we are...

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