My road tax is due at the end of this month, only problem is my reminder/road tax form hasn't came through as yet. Is there a way I can tax my car without this form or is it essential as I don't want...
What are your opinions on answering your partners mobile if they are not there and it is ringing? Are you invading their privacy? Should they not bother as they should have nothing to hide? What do...
Does anyone else watch Most Haunted on living TV?? I've just recently started watching it and have become hooked! I watched the last live weekend and thought it was excellent. Can anyone tell me where...
Can anyone recommend anything to diminish hunger pangs? I've heard of a chewing gum that contains something that is supposed to work - anyone tried this?
This hot weather; a bloke can just take his shirt off, easy simple, no offence [much], free and cooler, but the women have to keep covered; Blokes; we all know your view on it, but ladies, would you...
I am a member of contact and just recently am unable to receive or send any e-mails. When I try to visit their site, the page cannot be displayed. Are they bust???
Would any of the other users of the site like to join me i wishing Celtic FC the very best of luck in the UEFA cup final this evening? I am sure that as the last british representitives left in any...
What is the local term in your area for the annoying kids who hang around outside McDonalds, wearing massive hoop earrings, Kappa tracksuits and Reebok Classic trainers? In mine, they are pikeys, or...
I've had an outbreak of spots!! I'm using my younger sister's spot lotion to deal with it, and it's working, but I've used so much that she will notice and beat me round the head! What is a much...