What on earth is going on here, is the Italian justice system really that bad?...
What gets me is, if these people are so set against capitalism why dont they go and live in a country like China or Russia that would be nearer their ideals? I know most are idle scum on the old rock...
Ok, so some might find it so, but some will find anything a problem. Personally I really don't think it warrants his name and picture plastered over the papers. Perhaps the time has come to legalize... I can quite see where he is coming from but he is either very brave or very foolish. It is most likely that neither Tory or...
Heartbeat Could Replace Online Banking Password A bracelet has been developed by a Canadian firm which it claims is more secure than other biometric proofs of identification. But how long before some...
Another Gem from the ROP, Equal rights? what are they ?
Looks like the kitchen sink and the bedroom for women. Why are we spending so much money and effort on this? Surely we don't want them back? And rather than spending money...
In the same vein as Channel 4's views on UKIP: Just look what these socialists are capable of. //Last month, the government issued a policy change to allow security forces to open fire and use deadly... Looks like the Tories are finally standing up to the purveyors of Fairy tales. About time too, now come on Ed lets see you...
or propaganda from IS opponents ? Seems rather far fetched, but judging by the brutalities we have seen from this regime I... Not sure I could keep that cooler head given my country was about to run out of brass, especially since it appears the... What is it going to take to do something about this threat, an invasion of Poland again? Are our Political leaders either not... Whilst I deplore vigilantism, one does have to share a sense of frustration and lack of trust of the authorities...
Seriously though, What are AB'ers views on driver less cars?
I am convinced of the idea - yet.... "He claimed the blame for the disaster that killed 32 people lay with his employer Costa Cruises and said the media had... I suspect I am going to invoke anger from some on here but I'll put the argument anyway. Surely bringing more Muslims... Seemed reasonable to me on most fronts until I read it alerts on twice the legal driving limit. Now that limit is a good for...