http://www.dailymail....ang-rape-emotive.html So the Metropolitan Police say that "Gang Rape" should now be called 'multi-perpetrator rape' because some community activists had previously...
http://www.dailymail....don-Browns-anger.html Should any leader about to assume power have his writing assessed by professional graphologists and the results published? We know that politicians can be...
Talk about undignified, I reckon the lad would have been cringing! Am I the only one who thinks she's made amountain out of a mole hill? I'm no fan of Brown but I reckon this woman is now comming... It has been announced today that the car scrappage scheme has assisted a 33% increase in new car sales during October compared with last year. Schemes...
With our soldiers continually blown up with IEDs why is it the local population unnaffected? You would expect to see many Afghan amputees.
Do you believe they are in league with the Taliban?...
The title above was front page headlines in the Daily Telegraph today. Why "murdered in cold blood"? If this had been the coalition's special forces, "behind the lines", operating...
http://www.dailyexpre...-for-sharia-law-in-UK //// Islam4UK spokesman Anjem Choudary said "an Islamic flag will fly from Nelson’s Column, Trafalgar Square will become a place for Muslim...
is it time to stop sending child benefit abroad, who checks the details are correct, if we have child benefit fraud in this country have easy would it be to do it in a foriegn country? do we pay our...
http://www.dailymail....gusting-advances.html Is racism a reason for his previous convictions ??... its that word again , if in doubt scream racism As the sentence was delivered , several of King's...
http://www.telegraph....ism-cases-a-year.html These kids, who is being racist against whom? Judging by the photo it can't be the whites. Seriously though, in playground squabbles children will pick on... They would never be kept secret and the children and parents will be traumatised for life. I cannot see any reason at all why there was this obsession to get her name them....
Can money and privilidge save people from themselves?
This guy had it all but could not tolerate it when those around him refused to fawn. Senetence correct?...
It is things like this that make me hate the EU (not just the shower, but the 160 million pounds France spent during the 6 months of their presidency). It is one big ego trip and gravy train for the...
It makes me laugh to see these Union leaders announce their strikes on television as if anybody really cares. They've hardly brought the country to its knees have they,, AND all the mail will be...
http://www.dailymail....--given-new-home.html I must need a career change, working 50 hours a week to pay the mortgage and keep my head above water obviously stands for nothing. No wonder the UK is an...
There is lots of talk in below threads about thieving etc - but lets be honest, the MAJORITY of MPs are not thieves, but may be guilty of claiming what they are entitlted to - albeit showing dubious...
According to the front page of the Express, we'll soon be having to pay an EU direct income tax, anyone know if the home income tax will be dropped comensurately, or, as is more likely, will it just...
Another example of feral youths on our streets. What on earth is going through their tiny, violent, minds? Are people (youths in particular) becoming...