I bought a new American style fridge at the end of March this year.Now it's showing it needs a new water filter. I've looked on line and found that a new one costs £28. Three questions. 1. Can I...
Rather than putting on my glasses I like to put the main page on zoom and then repeat the action four times. The page is now large enough for me to read with ease. But when I turn off my P.C. then...
A prostitute told me I could have sex for £10 as she didn't have a womb !
I asked her " how we would do it then" ? She said "Acwoss the woad against the wailings"....
I was talking to a girl in the pub the other night and I said " you remind me of my little toe" she said " is that because I'm small and cute " I replied " no because I'll...
My missus rang me earlier and said "where the hell are you ?".... I replied " you know that jewelers where you saw those diamond earrings you really liked ?" "yes" she...
A bloke goes to the doctors complaining of a bad back. The doctor says " how did you do it ? ". "Having sex doggie style" said the bloke. "Well" said the doctor "...
The wife came out of the bathroom after her shower stark naked and walked into the bedroom . She said to me " hey babe close the curtains I don't want the neighbours to see me naked"...
I've had a new boiler fitted in the kitchen and when I run the hot water into either the kitchen or bathroom sink it comes out opaque , but after a minute or so the water in the sink starts to clear....
A couple are sat in the lounge and the husband keeps flicking channels ...Football ...Porn...Football... Porn...Football ...Porn..The wife says " for f**ks sake leave it on the Porn channel ! you...