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for orangedog/drgnrdr

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woofgang | 18:41 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
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Sorry Ed to post here, its naughty I know but I can't think of another way to do it. I love the new skin on the orangedog forum, but I can't get past the first page and that took 3 attempts to load. I tried the memberlist or click on a name link to people's email but can't open them either

If I don't tell you, you will think that you have been deserted....



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Hello Chookies
Great news for you Woofie .I hope all goes well and a speedy recovery .

Hope you are feeling Ok too Jno after the extractions .Not nice .I remember having three out in one hit .Bleugh .

Not much doing here at Shaneytowers .Bit dull now weatherwise but at least the howling wind has abated .
Such a shame for your lovely island Neti .

I've just stuffed half a packet of Butter Puffs with St Auger .
It's turned cold & wet here..
Not having a boogie in Hippyland then Jude?

oooh ouch jno, hope it settles quickly, it's given me flashbacks of my wrestling bout & black & blue jaw. Can you take ibuprofen?

I've just stuffed two slices of bread & strawberry conserve...none of that common jam stuff :o) I think the only difference is one strawberry and £1 in price (and that's to pay for the fancier jar) but it's very yummy

ooops, sorry jno, shall I mash some up for you?
Well!. It is confessions time. That was the first time I have ever made soup in my life. (What a terrible admission)
I divided the ingredients by 4 roughly and at the end had enough soup for 2 helpings. It was delish. Had it with some Bird's bread (Robi) and shall have the other bowl tomorrow. I puréed it in my gadget called a Genie I bought from T.H Hughes. I make smoothies and frothy coffee in it but never tried soup until today. Thanks Lottie. I have to admit I didn't put cream in as my diet wouldn't stand it but I think I will try natural yoghurt next. time.
Thanks Vin, that would have bothered me all night. That's gone in my diary for future reference.
I hope everything settles down soon Neti. What a shame to destroy a development like that.. I've just read about thieves steeling metal memorials and works of art that are in the streets of towns and cities just for the scrap value. As works of art they could be worth thousands and thousand of £'s but as scrap not much more than £1000. In Derby they stole 2 plaques with soldiers names on. One was found hidden in some bushes. Whatever next will they do.
Poor jno, how I feel for you, (but that's as far as I go). I was amazed at how good my last dentist was, took out a wisdom tooth with no pain and no blood, I was stunned cos the last 2 were taken out in hospital. Still I understand the writhing, I do it even when they are just looking!
Sorry Robi missed you there. No not been into Hippyland. Didn't know there was anything special going off. Don't go in that often. I'm more likely to be in the Charity Shop next door. Or like today I went to Melbourne. There is a great underwear shop there (think it's called Bare Essentials) and a shoe shop. The Bras are expensive but they last years but I didn't buy anything today. The one I liked was a bit too steep for me - £68. So I gave it a miss. I was going to buy 2 but not at that price.
I have a ride out there sometimes for a look around. The shoe shop is good too but that is cheaper than in town with some good styles but didn't get anything there either. Getting hard to please in my old age aren't I?!
I think It's time for a cuppa. My friend is coming tonight for a natter and a drink so might make it a Bailyes later. Bye for now have a good night All!
And Jno forgot to say you have my sympathy. I hate having teeth out. See you when you feel better x
One last question, Will someone be able to tell me, is that Sqad a medical man in real life.?
They've opened a Farm Foods up the top of the High Street here . One minute it was all scaffolding and brickies and the next minute it was up and running .
Like anywhere I suppose you pick and choose what you want but they had bags of frozen diced swede and bags of frozen diced carrots .I know it's lazy but for fumbly fingered folk like me it's a godsend . Grappling with swedes is hard work for me .

And they had six Crunchies for the price of three :)) Couldn't walk past those now could I ?
I thought it was quite good in there actually .

Oh ..and yes Jude I meant to say to you,I have been watching UC but not totting up my scores .We must get organised :))
Yes, I think he is Jude .
Mind you he can sleaze for England and I wouldn't want him near me with his stethescope :)
Lol Shaney about Sq. Haven't read much of him but I just wondered!
yes, ditto what shaney said about him...he's given up trying to chat to me I think.
oh deep joy, ready done swede, I love it but I can't always chop it either. Have to confess to buying sains swede, carrot & potato mash. It's not cheap but I could eat a plateful on it's own in a sea of thick gravy.
oh lordy look at the time, it's time to eat again, haha
Hi everybody. Shaney, wish you had kept quiet about St Auger and then Crunchies - I love both!!

Jude, glad the soup went went. I forgot to say that I use low fat creme fraiche and not the other stuff. Sorry. I only put about half a tub in a whole bucket of soup. It's lovely isnt it. I have one of those whizzy things on a stick for blending. Much easier than using a bloomin' liquidizer and not much to wash up. Just takes a little bit longer. It cost £4.00 for Argos and was recommended as the best buy too.

Sorry, I forgot to offer my sympathies about your extractions jno.

Yes, Sqad is a genuine retired surgeon, but I agree with Shaney!!

Phew I saw my dishy doctor the other day when I went to see the Nurse. He is one of the senior partners now and was outside the surgery talking to someone important about the new building and he had a suit on. I have never seen him in a suit before. Phew my BP went right up and I managed a squeakly silly little 'hello'!!

Off to cook a roast chicken.
Well I boiled my carcass yesterday and this chopped veg was great .I just slung half a bag of each in along with some of their frozen chopped leeks .I did peel and dice some spuds though .The older I get the lazier I get .
I fancied boite de sardines avec une tranche de pain grille tonight but Mr S wants belly rashers ,mash and spinach so I'll have to go and bang some pots about .

I think that prog about food made from waste stuff that people chuck away 'cos they think it goes out of date on the stroke of midnight is on tonight .Should be interesting. ..
Pip Pip for now ..
Evening, soupstones. Can't believe you've never made soup before Jude! Soup is god's gift to biddykind! Last autumn "my" deli had a samovar filled with pumpkin soup for the customers to sample and it was the yummiest thing I've tasted in a looong time. They hadn't quite developed a recipe yet but they told me the general ingredients, I'll see if I can find that note. Very good for toothless biddies too.Then again grappling with pumpkins may be even more of a feat than grappling with s(S)wedes...

Yo Walking Chef, it just occured to me that if you ever stopped to spend a penny on those cliffs, your own private microbes may now be in orbit in space thanks to those scientists, ha ha, mind-boggling isn't it.

Agree with the others Jude, I've never doubted that the doctor is (was) a doctor. Empathy-wise he reminds me of a good few I have met =:0 His alias isn't a word in my dictionaries - what might it mean?
no idea, Kit - looks like a misspelling of Squad

There's a rap act called Sqad Up

There's the Urban dictionary but only the first one of these makes any sense; and it doesn't make any sense...


My anaesthetic is wearing off. I don't think I'll bother with a minute-by-minute blog of the effects, but thank you all for yoru sympathy.
Urban Dictionary is becoming more and more obscure by the minute isn't it... Will you be able to sleep, jno?

So funny http://www.theanswerb...k/Question931189.html
Question Author
Hello all quick pop in before bed. DH went about 20 ins ago and I can hear the snoring ::-)
Thank you for your good wishes, especially Shaney...this is going to be a week for good news!!
I love home made soup and rarely put cream in it.
Base recipe is veg stock (a decent cube will do), the kind of potatoes that collapse when you boil them and white onions, about equal quantities, loads of whatever the soup "is" eg pumpkin, leek, etcetera, semi skimmed milk and a little olive oil.
You start the chopped up onion and cubed spud off in the oil, don't let it brown, then add a little water and the stock cube and most of the main veg, unless its pumpkin puree in which case top the lot in. Simmer till all soft and then blitz to a pulp, adding some of the milk if needed, then thin with the rest of the milk and season. Freeze most of it and neck a huge bowlful with crusty bread.
Question Author
oops forgot. Once you have got the soup to that stage, toss in the rest of the main veg and simmer gently till its cooked.
DH's favorite soup
A big bag of frozen petit pois
A big handful of fresh mint
1 or 2 veg stock cubes
semi skimmed milk
a little oil
mint jelly

heat the oil and toss in the peas, stir together until the peas are thawed. Toss in the fresh mint, add a little water, just enough to cover the peas and the stock cubes and simmer till the peas are cooked but still bright green.
Blitz together and thin with a little milk. Push the bright green slop through a sieve to get the skins and mint stems out. put back in the pan, thin to taste with milk and warm through. Stir in mint jelly to taste, we like about a heaped dessertspoonful, check seasoning and serve or freeze.
Question Author
and there's always chicken soup with rice, my ultimate fave meat soup.

I'll stop wittering and go to bed now...
PS I am sure sqad is a real doc, he has just the right sort of dirty minded arrogance for an orthopaedic surgeon...don't worry have said it to his face.

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