Jokes1 min ago
Site Suggestions
Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.Contact The Editorial Team Here
Can an administrator help please? I have just purchased a new computer (my daughter is now using this one) and when I tried to log into Answerbank, I am asked to Register. When I try to do so, I am...
Just think how much fun we could have with a 'Conspiracy' section...
Dear AB ED, After the deletion of lee_lee's message from Body and Soul, about which I have gone on a bit I know (but it worried me), how about an interim step, you insert an AB ED response into the...
There are probably more than these 3, but here goes anyway! FP has given over 3000 answers, and Andy and Smudge over 5000. I think this deserves more than chocolate cake. I think, if...
why you banned an answer of mine (sod_the_m25) to a post from lex on 15/07 about 'Women in the lenor' . (It is the only answer of mine that has ever been banned) . I cannot for the life of me see...
What has happened to me? All of a sudden all my questions and answers have disappeared from screen. The only thing I can think of is I was answering a question on a thread and the pc started...
Probably already been asked, but I'm too lazy to find out ! Could we have a whos online section? That way when we log in to AB we can click there and see whos already on. Sometimes I come...
AnswerBank users post a question and underneath where it says who posted them, sometimes the User name is gree. why is that?
Had an email from our lovely editor who does a wicked job and full respect to him, however he confused me and wondering if anyone else can answer me so i dont have to keep hassling him over trivial...
I reckon there should be a section where you can click and it explains how to keep track of your questions and answers etc. I have just found out (by asking a question) that you can do it by...
Could an administrator help please. I have just bought a new computer and when I have tried to pose a question on Answerbank, I am asked to re-register. When I try to do so, I am told my email address...
It would be very useful if the time as well as the date were included in postings. I think some people sit up well into the night enjoying this site.
Hi, there should be a way for you to search for a friend on here so you can answer there questions. I have a few friends on here an I like to keep up to date with their questions.
How about a joke and humour section
To allow healthy competition in the browser world flourish, I beleive it should be made to suit browsers other than IE. Opera is fantastic and very few sites aren't compatble - AB being one of them....
I am relatively new to AB so forgive me if I ask a dumb question but here goes! If I answer someones question (or I am just interested in keeping track of the responses, how do I do that? ...
Perhaps we ought to have a complete section called: Do you Remember? in view of all the current threads in Chatterbank at the moment.
Hey Ed, where are you? How are you? I ain't seen a pink box in aaages....
As the Quizzes and Puzzles site is now inundated by people seeking crossword answers, particularly at weekends, would it be preferable to have a separate "Crosswords" topic?
This appears under my Q box Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14' Execution of a full-text operation failed. A clause of the query contained only ignored words. /Toolkit/answ.asp,...