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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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Right ....that's it .....vere iz zee list .
I'll give 'im whooooosh .
Oh that's good Jude .I bet Vinny's been looking up how long he can keep his sprouts :)
That's what I thought too Shaney :o)

What do you all think of this? I find some of the moves disturbing in a baby!!!
Obviously you have to click on the video to see it!
Look at you lot chatting in food :-)
Oooops... mummmm's the word please?

Yes I saw that video yesterday Neti and I thought "I'm gonna love to watch you dance fifteen years from now but for now... please, people, turn the camera off". In all fairness (to his parents) I don't think you can teach a baby to dance like that, he's just "got it". He's amazingly stable as well. Weird.

Quel spectacle, ce mariage - our crown princess and her commoner. They were wed by FOUR arch bishops or vicars or whatever - makes you wonder how many vicars it takes to replace a lightbulb ha ha. But I quite enjoyed it, I really like her and she's waited for 8 years for her parents to cave in and let her have the one she wants. She's so funny, when their engagement had been announced our government gave them a set of beautiful drinking glasses where part of the glass was frosty. The prime minister addressed the couple and started to say "...and this frosty rim here is meant to symbolize your..." - whereupon she quickly inserted "...frosty relationship!" - which was particularly funny as they're all over each other:)

Must say we're a bit ruffled around the boa you didn't send Charles and Camilla. On the other hand, we note that The Sun has said sorry Sven all is forgiven... ♪who's sorry now...♫
"ruffled around the boa"...? er... that's not what I said, Spare...
ummmm are you there? If you're not discreet we're gonna do cruel things to you with halloumi and Eton mess and tinned soup and chocolate and beer and brussels sprouts and canapes and... stuff!

*hides from ummmm*
hello all, we had out heating on yesterday too...blooming freeezing. Mr W is looking good this morning and had a good day yesterday as well so I am going to take today to catch up on my sleep I think.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Morning folks...and midnight visitor :o)
How cold was it last night? Stupid weather. It's a tad less windy today so it might feel better later on. It looks like autumn in my garden though, poor robinia's shedding her leaves again just like last year, and there's a lot of dead wood.

The baby does look strange neti, haha, but lots of them have natural rhythm & like Sweedie said, too much filming going on there. I do love a man who can dance.

Your Swedish princess looked lovely, beautiful retro dress...I found a slideshow of pics, b-hell some of the guests wore dodgy frocks didn't they, haha? In particular pic 2, jeez....
Those svedes know how to push the boat out ,I've never seen so many tiaras :)

Morning all
Same old weather here .Blowing a gale still.

I thought that babys nappy was going to fall down ! Poor little chap will never live it down when he's about 16.
Please to hear Mr doing well .Have a nice kip Woofy .
No sign of Vinny ..tut ...'spose I'll have to cook me own breakfast then .........Hand stirred scrambled eggs :))
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The last person I'd want to be/marry is a Royal :o(

I 'spect Vinny's down the beach in his string vest again, tut
Happy Father's day Vin!
I hope your hand reared chickens laid those eggs shaney :o)
Robi talking of ozzy bugs, my sister lived in Subiaco (Perth) and she said when walking home at night, she had to walk in the middle of the road cos the spiders would be hanging out of the tree on the pavements, and she doesn't mind spiders. Frit me summat orful when I heard that!!
Happy Sunday everyone. Glad Mr Woofy is getting better. Not quite so cold here, it only feels like March now rather than January yesterday.

Hi ummmm!! :o). What were you doing strolling into the OAP's Secret Society in the early hours of this morning!!

The sun has just come out.................. wheeee...............................
Possums. Spiders hanging out of the trees on the pavements - I'm not afraid of spiders (except when they move, why do they have move so quickly!) but that's just plain outrageous;-) Don't they have anything better to do!

That dress is the queen of Denmark, Robi. She always looks like a battleship but she's well liked. She's a painter and an illustrator and a long time ago she made room for that, demanding one afternoon every week for her painting. She smokes like a chimney, tut. Her dress was by far not the worst one, there was one in particular that made the person inside look like she was walking on her knees ha ha. If I can find it again I will post it. Shaney the city wasn't quite as invaded by Germans as was expected (the rest of yous: our queen is of German descent and very popular amongst the German tabloids and magazines, many of which lie beyond belief btw) - must be the World Cup...?

One thing about expiration dates, Jude and the rest of yous. Over here we like to poke fun of ourselves for paying such close attention to expiration dates as if we would be otherwise be poisoned one minute past. Well I don't think that would happen any time soon - but what does happen is that the nutritional value decreases quite rapidly. That aspect is seldom mentioned.

Hurray hurrah for Mr Woofy! Well done! A little stronger for every new day!
Haha Kit ..the Germans love any gossip about the crowned heads of Europe .All the magazines are full of it .My mum in law had a friend who was crazy about the British Royals .She's long dead now but she was a nice lady and I used to cut out things of interest ,from papers and magazines and send them to her and she would put them all in a scrapbook .I used to translate the relevant points and attach them with the pictures of the Queen or whoever.
Funny, but a lot of Germans ,particularly those of my in laws generation and even some younger would love to have a royal family in Germany .They love all that pomp and ceremony .
I always got quizzed about them by elderly ladies if I knew them personally .....haha...perhaps it was the tiara :))
Afternoon all - have just spent an hour lazing in the sun and swimming, but it's got too hot now so am indoors. Had a lovely lunch out with mr N. It's been announced here that the Spanish King Old Juan Carlos has separated from his wife (Sofia from greece) but I think we have known that for ages. He's a bit of a lad and is reportedly (allegedly) has had a fling with Diana. Will toddle off now to sleep of the luncheon wine!
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Well the sun's been out all day here but there's still a fresh breeze & it's cold in the house.

Dangling spiders eh? Sounds like just the thing to tell the grandmonsters to make them refuse to go... :o) :o)

Oooh get you sweti with your luncheon wine. A hand stirred cuppa will do for me if anyone's in the scullery please.... :o)
Oooh, she was a trollop that Diana! Got about a bit!
Oh I'd love a cuppa if you're making one Robi! Black no milk, no sugar and no lemon and a tad of cold water!

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