Morning...just a quick visit, having my blue rinse done shortly..
Kit could you please nip over to my sister's with a mop, here's what she replied to the mail I sent (warning: not very complementary to Royals, haha)...and yes she is as crazy as I am
btw I sent your quote with the 'short' dress pic plus this as there was a good(?) selection
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MOST HILARIOUS THING I'VE SEEN IN WEEKS. Bernadotte of wisborg (brilliant name) looks like she's been exhumed and wrapped in the cemetery chapel curtains. hahahahahahahah There's somebody called TROLL !! hahahahahahahahah should've been mrs dumpy no-legs.. Madeleine of sveeeeeeden obviously the only half decent looking one there, she's in 3 pictures. All that money between them as well, gotta be some sort of joke. Gotta go loo, gonna wet meself hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"
Sorry, if it now means 'off with her head' I can supply her address :o)