agchristie, I maintain that virtually every post you make gives you away as a BF supporter. Surely, if you are, you wouldn't be ashamed to admit it? Just as I freely admit that I'm not.
Why would you deny it? Unless of course you are concerned that admitting it might make it clear that this is a publicity-seeking thread, which could result in it being removed on the grounds that it transgresses the following site rule:
"The AnswerBank is a general knowledge exchange and is not to be used to market, sell or promote any product, service, project or organisation."
If that's the case then I wouldn't worry about it. It's clear that you support BF, and therefore it's clear that this is a thread designed to promote them - right from the link to their website and one of their videos in the OP - and it hasn't been removed yet. So feel free to declare your support ...