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Shamima Begum Citizenship

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chrissa1 | 19:41 Tue 19th Feb 2019 | News
177 Answers
Just heard on ITV Newa that she has been stripped of her British Citizenship


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Everything you say she has done ... none of it is a crime, and all of it was after she was radicalised.

Who do you fear most? The 19 year old woman with the baby, or the people who are still in the UK who radicalised her?
//The point is not the travel but that the victims - including 15 year old girls - in that example were blamed for being victims. Including by the South Yorkshire Police. A classic case of victim blaming, where the victims were young girls//

We really need to work on helping you join those dots up, don't we, Ellipsis?

You are likening, are you, Ms Begum to the 1,400 victims of rape in Rotherham - try eleven years old in some cases, by the way? These (usually) far younger girls being the victims of Muslim rape gangs and done with the full knowledge of the local council, the local police and the local child "welfare" services.

You must try harder, a lot harder to make that comparison stick.
And as for feeling sorry for her baby, why should her baby deserve any more sympathy than all the other babies who are unfortunate enough to have been born in such in such a hell-hole of a region?
Ellipsis, I fear them all – but I fear people like you who inadvertently serve to enable them more.
Who do you fear most? The 19 year old woman with the baby, or the people who are still in the UK who radicalised her?
Well, let’s see........
I’m unsure exactly where she was radicalised, given so many instances lately of Muslims having been radicalised online. If that’s the case she is even more culpable and responsible for becoming so via the Internet, but as I say that’s yet to be determined. Was it the local imam? Her parents? There is so much unexplained.
As for the rest I fear the ideology and mindset of a very cold, calculating and manipulative radicalised female with no remorse for her actions.
I don’t want her anywhere near these shores, let her follow her faith in a Muslim country.
Maybe she could shack up with her grandparents in Bangladesh?
ANYWHERE but here, the land she left of her own accord to serve a terrorist regime thousands of miles away.
Two things.
1. Rovert1 I've reported your post for sheer idiocy, terminology like that does not belong in a serious debate.

2. This who think your average 15 year old is a child, are living in some sort of Enid Blyton wonderworld. At 15, I, and every other 15 year old girl I have ever known, knew exactly what we were doing both in terms of legality, morality and sheer common sense. What she did is most certainly not the same as being the victim of a rape gang and she is entirely unrepentant. I don't think she's 'radicalised' I think she's simply a nasty, not very bright, piece of work who is hedging her bets. If she has Bangladeshi nationality then leave her where she is, the child I would like to see brought to the UK or Holland though out of her control.
V_E, I am citing victim blaming in both cases, where, in both cases, the victims were young girls and the perpetrators were UK-based Muslims. I am stating that lessons have not been learned, Javid is blaming Begum and her friends exactly as South Yorkshire Police and others in positions of power blamed the girls in Rotherham, and the perpetrators are once again getting away with it (for a while at least).

There is an opportunity here to put a raft of unpleasant Muslim behaviour effectively on trial, but Javid isn't taking it. Instead he's making a rabble-rousing example of a victim who doesn't appear to have committed a crime.
There is an opportunity here to put a raft of unpleasant Muslim behaviour effectively on trial, but Javid isn't taking it. Instead he's making a rabble-rousing example of a victim who doesn't appear to have committed a crime.
I tend to see it as the Home Secretary doing everything in his power to ensure the safety of UK citizens by not re-importing a very dangerous female with a terror-driven mindset.
As naomi said, it’s those with your views that I find even scarier.
Really? OK. Let's take one of your statements as an example: "I’m unsure exactly where she was radicalised."

She knows exactly where she was radicalised. Why don't we get her back and ask her, and then round them up?
Javid has done the right thing, but I'm afraid for dubious reasons,
just like his actions at the Grenfell tower disaster scene. He is a self-serving career politician desperate to be the heir to Teresa May, to be the first Muslim to gain the keys to number 10 and wishing to demonstrate his non-partisan credentials.
She knows exactly where she was radicalised. Why don't we get her back and ask her, and then round them up?
LOL, which planet do you live on?? Do you SERIOUSLY believe with her demeanour and mindset she’d actually do that?
And why do we need to get her back to do that when she can answer such questions quite adequately from the safety of a refugee camp?
Don’t rush to answer, you’re getting very short on straws..... matter not who I fear most.......I fear her and that is enough for me to stand by.....she must not be allowed back.
You don't believe that our intelligence services can effectively interrogate a 19 year old girl who is clearly not the sharpest tool in the box. Fine.
Can't debate with fear, gness.

For the avoidance of doubt I don't propose allowing a radical Muslim, however she was radicalised, to run around willy nilly blowing people up. Sorry that I need to make that clear.
Precisely, gness, no doubt about it, and neither should her baby.
You don't believe that our intelligence services can effectively interrogate a 19 year old girl who is clearly not the sharpest tool in the box. Fine.
You believe she’ll be forthcoming and blab all the details to the Security Services?
From a not very bright woman who made it to ISIS territory at such a tender age?
I think you’re missing the amount of determination and guile this very dangerous woman possesss. Fine.
Care to explain why she can’t answer basic questions about her radicalisation from the refugee camp?
//Javid has done the right thing, but I'm afraid for dubious reasons//

It can only be the right thing if the decision is made lawfully.I agree about Javed and there are big question marks here.

Theresa May herself fell foul on more than one occasion when challenged by the law on various issues.

With confidence in our political system at an all time low a reversal here will do further damage.

I hope he has thought all this through but I smell another monumental cock up given time...
Yep, because it's not the best place to ask. Also why risk sending anyone out there to ask. If she can make her way to a British consulate or embassy or all the way back to Britain then that's a different matter.
Ellipsis, I have a feeling that when you awake in the morning you are going to be really embarrassed when you read some of your responses on this thread. If not, you should be.
So are you saying you can't debate with those of us who fear, Ellipsis?

Fair've simply dismissed our opinions whatever they are based upon.

You say, however, that you don't propose allowing a Muslim to run around blowing people up. That tells me that you haven't for one minute considered the wider implications of allowing her back. You really need to look deeper, Ellipsis.

And yes, Sanmac....her baby should not be allowed back either if he is to be cared for the family who cared for her.

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